Recall Knowledge and identifying spells being cast.

Rules Discussion

So if someone casts a spell before your party and noone has this exact spell memorized they don't immediately know which spell is cast.
Now someone might want to know what was that spell. Rules say that you need to use Recall Knowledge action to recognize it, but they never say which skills are supposed to be used for that action.

Example: Some NPC Bard uses Charm. Party wizard makes Recall Knowledge action to recognize it. Which skill should GM use?
1. Occultism, because Bards are Occult practitioners.
2. Either of three: Arcane, Religion or Occultism, because Charm is affiliated with arcane, divine and occult traditions.
3. Lore Bakery, because rules never specify which skill to use and GM wants to be random.

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Personally I would be fine with 2. I'm imagining a druid hurling a lightning bolt and a wizard staring at it curiously. "Now what the heck sort of...?"

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I've been assuming any of the traditions the spell is of, rather than the tradition it's being cast of. Partially because I think it's more fair, and partially because there are ways to get spells that aren't tied to a particular spellcasting tradition.

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Going with 2 because while taking said Charm spell as an example we can deduct the following:

1. Charm has a duration of 1 hour. And while Identifying a Spell may not be overly clear on the respective Recall Knowledge skill check, let's take a look at a Charm spell that is already in place.

2. Identifying a Charm spell already in place would be subject to the rules used in Identify Magic.

3. IM tells us that every tradition has a skill associated and that you need to be trained in order to be able to attempt the check.

4. Charm has arcane, divine and occult traditions listed in the spell description.

5. Ergo all of Arcane, Religion or Occultism can be used to identify a Charm spell that is already in place.

6. I do not see why Identify a Spell and Identify Magic should work differently, apart from their respective requirements ("you noice a spell being cast" vs 10 minutes of study).

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