Free Pathfinder Online Trial Account - 15 Days to Experience Early Enrollment (with an offer of support from Pathfinder University)

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

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If you have been waiting to get in and try Pathfinder Online, here is your chance. The faculty of Pathfinder University have a bunch of Buddy Invites which will give you an opportunity to try Pathfinder Online for 15 days. Before you do, here are three considerations:

1. Pathfinder Online is in Early Enrollment. What this means is both an opportunity to shape a game during development and an opportunity to see the bugs and bad things in an early release. Be aware that things change every two weeks, sometimes for the better, sometimes just to try something out. :)
2. The learning curve for PFO is currently rather steep. There are so many options in the game that it can be overwhelming. Luckily there is a new player guide, Cheatle's Guide and SSpitfire's guide. At the same time, we have a company called Pathfinder University that is here to help. Join our mumble (open to all) at port 3093 or yell out in help and we will help.
3. PFO and Pathfinder tabletop are different. You will get an opportunity to see Golarion come to life in PFO, but you will also see it is different than tabletop. There are classes (Wizard, Fighter, Cleric, Rogue) but multi classing is almost essential. Levels and ability scores are earned by training feats but do not directly impact things (such as attack/damage). Experience points are earned at 100/hour, no matter if you are on or not, and you need achievement or category points to get past the training gates.

We hope you join us in the Pathfinder University as we have classes and live help both available. To Join Pathfinder University (PFU) in game click on the tower in the top left, search for PFU, select Pathfinder University and then hit apply to Join. Pathfinder University is for new players in their first 90 days while they are getting comfortable with the game and finding their permanent home.

If you want to try out Pathfinder Online, PM Axi Hoffman and I will find someone in our faculty that still has an open invite.

Goblin Squad Member

For those who are spending their first 15 days trying PFO here is a guide to help you get into the game, enjoy your first few days and point you to the right guides for further help. If you have completed any of the steps below skip them but try to do them all. (it may help to print it and keep as a reference you can check off)

  1. If you don’t currently have access to PFO, get a buddy invite here (free access for 15 days). When you click on the link it will take you to to register.
  2. Login at, and download the installer. Note: PFO is a bit ram and graphics heavy at this state. Run the program in windowed (rather than full screen) mode as it tends to work better and if you are still having trouble you can go to fast or simple graphics (click the picture of a house when you are in the game and then settings to change the resolution and quality).
  3. Read the new player guide by Goblinworks while the installer is downloading. DON’T SKIP THIS STEP.
  4. OPTIONAL: Check out SSpitfire’s and Cheatle’s player guides. SSpitfire’s is a bit prettier and easier to read while Cheatle’s is essentially both a guide and a guide of guides.
  5. Create your character. Use the guides above to figure out what race you want. If you are not sure what you want to do with your character, pick human.
  6. Once you log in to the game, do all of the tutorials. You will start in front of the keep and these tutorials will teach you the game basics (movements, attacks, training, crafting, etc). Hint - to interact with npcs right click on them and to interact with buildings right click on the building doors.
  7. Figure out how you want to get help (you will probably need it soon). You can click on the help tab which will bring up the help chat (GMs, Pathfinder University and helpful players hang out here to help) or even better you can join the Pathfinder University voice chat help by joining the Golarion/Pathfinder University mumble. Mumble is a program that allows you to have voice chat (used by many companies in game) while playing. You can download the mumble client here and then go to server port 3093. Double click on the Pathfinder University channel in mumble to join the PFU help. You do not need a mic to use mumble, you can still type and listen but a mic makes it easier.
  8. Pick up the four tutorial packs in your starter npc town. There is a pack for each the Fighter, Wizard, Cleric and Rogue. Go to the pack giver (in a red shirt) then go to the trainers in that ‘quest’ and then go back to the pack giver. The packs will be in your inventory (I) under All. Right click on the packs to open them up and you will see your first set of armor/weapons. Equip your armor and weapons by hitting P for your paperdoll and dragging them from your inventory onto your paper doll. You will need to train an armor feat before you can wear medium or light armor.
  9. Bank your leftover tutorial pack items. Go to the big building in the middle of town (hit m and then click on settlement map for a map of town), right click on the door and then drag your items from your inventory to the bank. Each time you die there is a 25% chance of items going poof, so bank early and often. Coins are automatically deposited each time you visit the bank and can be withdrawn at any bank. Items you put in a bank are only in the local bank.
  10. Train your first 1000xp. Check out Cheatle’s guide for what to train with your first 1000xp.
  11. Kill some goblins. They are just outside of town on the outside ring road. Any loot you gain will automatically go into your inventory.
  12. Join a company. This is a multi-player game and you will enjoy it a lot more if you are part of a company. Companies are associated with settlements and there are a list of settlements here. Pathfinder University (PFU) is a company specifically for new players but you can only stay in it for your first 90 days. PFU holds regular classes and events taught by multiple companies in Thornkeep (which is just a short run away from where you started). It is often confusing which company to join at first, so if you join PFU you have 90 days to learn about the different companies before you make a long term commitment.
  13. Play with different types of classes and training. The great thing about PFO is there are lots of options. The bad thing about PFO is there are lots of options. You gain 100xp per hour no matter if you are logged in or not, so training the ‘wrong’ thing is no big deal. Play with classes and figure out if you would rather fight monsters (PVE) other players (PVP), gather resources, refine resources or craft items. It is possible to do a mix of everything but being a jack of all trades also means you are a master of none.
  14. Explore the map. The River Kingdoms are HUGE. It will take you over an hour of running to get from one end of the map to the other. To continuously run hit R, to sprint hit ctrl. You can up your running speed by training things like the travel domain, certain armor feats (such as Archer) and spells such as agile feet (cleric) and energetic field (wizard). Be sure to keep an eye on your inventory (I) as if you get into the second bar you slow down really quickly and friends don’t let friends run encumbered.
  15. Kill things, craft things, have fun. You need to experiment in your first two weeks. You will kill and be killed, it is part of the fun. Group up with your company members and take a shot at escalations (lots of specific monsters). Work with your company to craft better items for yourself. You will need to kill, craft or refine things to gain achievement points in order to progress through the game.
  16. Be part of the crowdforging/forums. The official forums are at Goblinworks. Some people get a bit too excited about their opinions of the game, but that is because we all want to see it be perfect and we don’t agree on what perfect is. There are very few other games where you can regularly talk to the CEO (Ryan Dancey) or COO (Lisa Stevens, also CEO of Paizo) but you will most likely see both Ryan and Lisa in your first week. Say hi to them.
  17. Go back to Cheatle’s guide and get further into the other guides and excel sheets. There are guides and excel sheets for everything and it is up to you to find the right mix between reading and playing. If you really want to min/max your character you will have to consult the excel sheets often. Your company should be able to help you with what to train.
  18. When you have figured out what to train, you will eventually outgrow training in npc cities. Your company’s settlement will train you in the higher levels. (If you are getting the hint that being part of a company is essential then you have read the entire guide.
  19. Don’t get overwhelmed by all of the options and how the game changes. The game is changing every two weeks. Goblinworks actively solicits feedback and makes changes to try to make PFO fun for everyone. That being said, sometimes the changes are seen as great by one group but bad by another. Don’t be surprised when things change as this is early enrollment.
  20. Have Fun, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and Don’t be a Jerk.

Goblin Squad Member

Pathfinder University will be hosting a series of classes this week to help new players.

Our next class is tonight, Thursday 2/19 at 9pm. Our guest speaker is SSpitfire who will be talking about feat trees, followed by a discussion about PFO math underlying the combat system.

Friday 2/20 at 10pm central EU time (UCT+1) we will have Foxglove presenting Gearing Up; how to get beter gear and use it too. This class will provide an intro on crafting Tier 1 +2 gear, and Foxglove will help you make your own! We are going to provide some supplies but are always interested in donations to the university of gear and raw/salvage/refined goods.

Sunday 2/22 Will be new player day from 1-9 Eastern, but will have a special session hosted by Vorsk from 1:30-4. Expanding Problems: An Introduction to Escalations. A brief introduction to how escalations work, how to approach them, and their importance to the game. Followed by in the field experience taking on an escalation with the class.

Monday 2/23 at 9PM EST Duffy will be presenting How to Solo Red Mobs and Small Group PvE. He will include some simple feat setups including armor/feature/implement choices, combat states, combat debuffs, and how to capitalize on these effects both solo and with groups.

Tuesday 2/24 at 8PM EST Thannon Forsworn will be doing Crafting 101 overview course on how gathering, refining, and crafting are all interwoven and some general advice about leveling crafting.

All classes will meet in the Thornkeep Keep and be hosted on the Pathfinder University Mumble at port 3093. Download the mumble client here

Goblin Squad Member

For those who want codes, PM Axi Hoffman with your email address and I will get you a code ASAP. We have pooled our codes from the faculty so I have quite a few ready to go!

Goblin Squad Member

Please make sure you include your email address when. You ask for an invite. We still have a lot more available. You can also email hoffmanpfu at

Goblin Squad Member

PFU has given out 15 buddy passes so far and have more. I hope all who tried the pass are enjoying the game and I was happy to see some in our classes already. We have also published a guide on what to do in your first 15 days here.

Email hoffmanpfu at with your email address and I will find a buddy pass to send you.

Goblin Squad Member

Just got 20 more buddy passes. PM me your email address and I will send you one or email hoffmanpfu at

Goblin Squad Member

If you want to know more about PFO and get an inside look at PFO check out our Keepside chat videos at Our chats include discussions with Lisa Stevens (CEO of Paizo), Lee Hammock (Lead game designer), Ryan Dancey (CEO of GoblinWorks) and Bob Settles (GW's PVE designer). More to come. Join us, the game is fun!

Goblin Squad Member

I have a spare Buddy invite if someone still needs one.

I would like one if anyone still has one.....Please

Thank you

Goblin Squad Member

Just sent the invite. I have others if anyone wants them. either pm me or email hoffmanpfu at

PFU Hoffman wrote:
Just sent the invite. I have others if anyone wants them. either pm me or email hoffmanpfu at

If you still have an invite available...I would love to try the game out.


Versai wrote:

If you still have an invite available...I would love to try the game out.


Rynnik wrote:
Versai wrote:

If you still have an invite available...I would love to try the game out.


Thank you!

Dark Archive

I would like to try

Versai wrote:
Rynnik wrote:
Versai wrote:

If you still have an invite available...I would love to try the game out.

Thank you!

Very welcome!

I highly reccomend the subject organization for answers when the inevitable questions pop up. Set aside preconceived notions as things aren't entirely intuitive but are very rewarding once you start to see how things work or will work eventually.

Tyranius wrote:
I would like to try

Also sent.

If anyone has an code I'd like to try the game out. Please email me. Thanks.

Stu1234 wrote:
If anyone has an code I'd like to try the game out. Please email me. Thanks.

pm sent with a code, enjoy your trial

Goblin Squad Member

[ I did not find a thread for Marks 4/8 Keepside chat so I am posting it here]

1. What tech do you have? (as opposed to "we don't have tech for that". )

2. There is a lot of miss information in the forums because the community at large doesn't know the difficulty in programer work vs. time/resources for the most requested items/features. Can you provide us with a rough idea from "trivial" to "ungodly complex" for the most requested changes (as the developers have gotten feedback from forums, emails, in game /w, keepside chats, TS & Mumble, gaming website Q&A's, smoke signals… )?

3. When is the code going to be optimized for less demands on our systems?

4. How much longer are MAC users going to be ****** over …err… going to face challenges in getting thier client to run? smile

5. If tech is being held back by lack of programmers, is there any way (short of more paying customers) to use the community members who are in the IT fields to directly help out?

6. A large section of the community I have spoken to / read on forums is unhappy with the way the Test Server is being used to not find game crippling bugs/changes/mayor setbacks and it's very negative impact on live operations. What can the community due to help improve the test servers?

7. What is the largest misunderstanding the PFO community has about the PFO code/tech that you would like to clear up/address?
Elder Durin Steelforge; Chief Engineer & Quartermaster of Forgeholm; Leader of Steelforge Engineering Company

PM Giorgo on Paizo Forums

Thanks for the post Giorgo, we have one up over at goblinworks. Hoffman may have just forgotten a few people are still hiding in these forums.

Goblin Squad Member

PFU Drothar wrote:

Thanks for the post Giorgo, we have one up over at goblinworks. Hoffman may have just forgotten a few people are still hiding in these forums.


Fixed link, I posted here, there, and to his PM just to make sure he got my questions. :)

Thanks I am not use to posting in the forums :)

Hello there! I know this is a bit late considering the last post date, but i'm very eager to try this game out with a friend of mine before we subscribe. If anyone has two spare buddy keys i'd be extremely grateful to have them.

Thank you!

EDIT: Thank you Thorgrim Foegrinder for the extremely fast reply! Seems like I no longer need keys, so disregard this post!

Goblin Squad Member

Still have invited if you need them. Email if you want one.

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Pathfinder Online University - Keepside Chat with Lisa Stevens (CEO of Paizo). Recorded on Golarion Mumble June 24th, 2015. Link available below.


~Finn Grimnir, Vox Silentii Hope's End.

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