Falling and Catching

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So, I apologize if I've missed it, but I don't see anything that would give rules for jumping off of something and being caught. For example:

During Encounter mode, Character A climbs down a 60 foot rope to the bottom of a dry well. Character B cannot climb a rope, not being trained in Athletics. If Character B simply jumped into the well, they would take 30 damage (distance fallen/2) and land prone at the bottom of the well.

Are there rules for Character B jumping down and Character A catching them? Since it would be on Character B's turn, would that be Character A's reaction for the round? Would either character take damage? If so, who and how much?

Character A doesn't need to be trained in Athletics to climb a rope, the only trained athletics action is Disarm. But if they aren't trained then it would be harder.

I don't see an action that would specifically allow this to happen. At first, Grab an Edge seems to fit the bill, but generally wouldn't be able to be used by a second character on a first.

You "could" allow that second character to use Grab an Edge, and just apply the effects to both characters as though the first character fell on the second, ie they both take damage from to the reduced fall height from Grab an Edge. In your example that would be an adjusted fall height of 30 feet, so 15 damage. It would equate to splitting the damage between the two, which I could see as fair.

This is not strictly in keeping with the rules however, there are no rules currently that I can find for catching an ally. It would be a neat Rule of Cool moment though.

There are no rules for this. The only rules written would result in both characters taking damage, as Character B falls onto Character A. The DM basically just has to make it up.

This seems like Player A would just take some damage from having somebody fall on them, have you ever seen somebody try to catch another person falling from 60ft end well?

Vlorax wrote:
This seems like Player A would just take some damage from having somebody fall on them, have you ever seen somebody try to catch another person falling from 60ft end well?


Aratorin wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
This seems like Player A would just take some damage from having somebody fall on them, have you ever seen somebody try to catch another person falling from 60ft end well?

The guy suffered a torn tendon in his arm. So yeah, definitely taking damage.

Aratorin wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
This seems like Player A would just take some damage from having somebody fall on them, have you ever seen somebody try to catch another person falling from 60ft end well?

Is that supposed to support my argument or hurt it?

Because that guy got hurt catching a kid falling from less than 40ft. Catching an adult wearing armor is considerably different.

Despite being a common trope in the superhero/super-action drama, it's hard to imagine this working out well. High level PCs who could pull this off could justify it by spending the hit points as damage.
Armor, especially spiky stuff, would exacerbate any issues.

That said, there will be soft folk who need saving, so I might allow an Athletics check (or Acrobatics if justifiable). This might change the fall to a soft landing subtracting some distance perhaps, depending on the roll & context.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yeah, won't work. I know because I tried it once.


Apparently burly half-orcs do double falling damage to halflings trying to catch them. XC

RIP Mario & Luigi.



Vlorax wrote:
Aratorin wrote:
Vlorax wrote:
This seems like Player A would just take some damage from having somebody fall on them, have you ever seen somebody try to catch another person falling from 60ft end well?

Is that supposed to support my argument or hurt it?

Because that guy got hurt catching a kid falling from less than 40ft. Catching an adult wearing armor is considerably different.

I had already agreed with you from a rules perspective. I just think that an IRL non-superhero catching someone falling 3 stories, and neither of them being maimed or killed is "ending well".

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
beowulf99 wrote:

Character A doesn't need to be trained in Athletics to climb a rope, the only trained athletics action is Disarm. But if they aren't trained then it would be harder.

In the Athletics description it lists:

Untrained - ladder, steep slope, low-branched tree
Trained - rigging, rope, typical tree
Expert - wall with small handholds and footholds
Master - ceiling with handholds and footholds, rock wall
Legendary - smooth surface

Does this not mean that you need to be trained to climb rigging/rope/typical tree? Or Master to climb a rock wall?

If not, I would be grateful if someone can point me toward how this is supposed to work RAW.

FWIW, I think that doing 15 damage to each character seems fair to me, assuming the catching character makes the Reflex save.

EDIT: I think I found it. Is this correct:

The GM sets the DC of a skill check, using the guidelines in Chapter 10: Game Mastering. The most important DCs to remember are the five simple skill DCs below.

Simple Skill DCs
Difficulty Simple DC
Untrained 10
Trained 15
Expert 20
Master 30
Legendary 40

So, anyone can try to climb a rope, but, because it is a Trained task, the DC is 15?

Dagesk Kingdomworthy wrote:
beowulf99 wrote:

Character A doesn't need to be trained in Athletics to climb a rope, the only trained athletics action is Disarm. But if they aren't trained then it would be harder.

In the Athletics description it lists:

Untrained - ladder, steep slope, low-branched tree
Trained - rigging, rope, typical tree
Expert - wall with small handholds and footholds
Master - ceiling with handholds and footholds, rock wall
Legendary - smooth surface

Does this not mean that you need to be trained to climb rigging/rope/typical tree? Or Master to climb a rock wall?

If not, I would be grateful if someone can point me toward how this is supposed to work RAW.

FWIW, I think that doing 15 damage to each character seems fair to me, assuming the catching character makes the Reflex save.

EDIT: I think I found it. Is this correct:

The GM sets the DC of a skill check, using the guidelines in Chapter 10: Game Mastering. The most important DCs to remember are the five simple skill DCs below.

Simple Skill DCs
Difficulty Simple DC
Untrained 10
Trained 15
Expert 20
Master 30
Legendary 40

So, anyone can try to climb a rope, but, because it is a Trained task, the DC is 15?

Yes, those are basic DC examples, not Proficiency gates.

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