Raven Swarm - Creature 2 - Is that 2 Independent Ravens

Rules Questions

Our group is confused. In the Trailblazer's Bounty Adventure, the PC's meet a Raven Swarm. If swarms act as 1 per the definition of a swarm, why does it state 2 creatures (at least I presume that's what the creature 2 means.) Does the swarm of 2 attack as 1, and die as 1 and if so why say there are 2 creatures? They occupy 2 squares on the map as well.

The Exchange

Are you talking about this? Raven Swarm

Maybe you are seeing 2 swarms?

Edit: I googled and see it is a pfs scenario. I don't have that adventure but it sounds like two swarms.

I don't think it's that exact description as it is a 2e scenario and says two creatures not 2 swarms and take up 2 spaces. You could be right though.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Right, I don't have it but...

Trailblazer's Bounty is a 2nd Edition adventure.
"Raven Swarm - creature 2", under 2nd Edition nomenclature means that it is a level 2 challenge, for the purposes of calculating encounter balance etc.

So, it should mean that it a single swarm that is (what was called) "CR2".

Aha thanks so much for clarifying!

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