
Well the CATS movie is out and boy oh boy is it getting savaged. Some of the more amusing reviews are using cursing so I can't post them here but this movie is actually gettinga 'patch' to it's CGI due to mistakes

I just had a conversation the other day with someone who saw it, they were complaining the cats had breasts where humans would and how they could have fixed that with CGI to make them more feline.

I pointed out "Do you really want to see Taylor Swift with 8 CGI nipples?".

CGI issues aside, I hear they changed a considerable amount of the writing and plot from the broadway theater days. Fans, which i'm not one, were really put off by that.

Liberty's Edge

I'll just leave this here.

What's seen can't be unseen.

I want to know who thought this look would be a good idea.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Okay, that was ugly!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ugh. Never liked the whole Fedorian 'I am a free thinker because I reject the divine!"

Back to CATS. I seem to recall a review (Paraphrased) about how someone felt about the movie.

"I went into the movie a vigorous young man. I came out a broken old man with a colony of mice living in my long white beard'

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Phillip Gastone wrote:
"I went into the movie a vigorous young man. I came out a broken old man with a colony of mice living in my long white beard'

Not directly bearing on the movie, but that is such an awesome quote.

Silver Crusade

I went to see it yesterday.

It wasn't quite as bad as I thought it might be but it was pretty awful.

Note - I love the stage musical version and have seen it several times (I last went to see it about 2 weeks or so ago).

The CGI neither particularly impressed me nor did it turn my stomach. My reaction to that was a through Meh.

Attempting to add an actual story seemed fairly pointless to me but maybe it is necessary in a movie.

What I really hated was what they did with the music and dance. You know, the ENTIRE reason that people go to Cats in the first place.

The singing was often muted and almost talked instead of sung. Worse, they often interrupted songs for some REALLY REALLY juvenile spoken humour. I want to hear the songs sung well, damn it.

Even Jennifer Hudson singing Memories could have been better. She was singing with too much emotion and tears for the music to really shine through.

I have very mixed feelings about Ian McKellen and Judy Dench. On the one hand they're superb actors and that shone through their roles and made watching them a joy. On the other hand, they're both octogenerians and their singing voices show that. I suspect (not at all sure) that I'd have preferred it if they acted and talked but somebody else sung their roles.

The dancing was good, or at least seemed to be when you got to actually see it. As many others have stated, the director seemed incapable of filming a dance scene so you could actually WATCH them dance for an extended period of time.

Lots of other nits.

On the other hand, Francesca Hayward was a joy to behold. The dancing, obviously, but she also did a good job with the acting and is a reasonably good singer. I hope that this launches her movie career and the fact that the movie is almost certainly going to be a commercial bomb doesn't bring her career to a shuddering stop.

In regards to the review with cursing. Search 'Dr.Manhatten Cats review' knowyourmeme has it

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