Priest of the Fallen +

Rules Questions classes/spiritualist/archetypes/paizo-llc-spiritualist-archetypes/priest-of -the-fallen-spiritualist-archetype/

+ classes/spiritualist/archetypes/paizo-llc-spiritualist-archetypes/fractured -mind-spiritualist-archetype/

Can they be combined, and what exactly means "every herogod has its own emotional focus"? Can I select a new one every day?


Lord Lupus the Grey wrote:
Can they be combined


Fractured Mind alters/replaces your spellcasting and your spell-like abilities. Priest of the Fallen doesn't modify any of those class features.

Lord Lupus the Grey wrote:
and what exactly means "every herogod has its own emotional focus"? Can I select a new one every day?

A more conservative GM would say that you have access to six different phantoms that correspond to their mythic archetypes, but there isn't actually any such limitation. Technically you can create a new phantom from scratch each morning.

And what about SLA of Fractured Mind? Can I use them, and if yes - how?

Does this combination provide an ability to change SLA with new phantoms? And what is about emotional focus of phantoms? Are they replaced with herogods abilities, or my phantom will get both emotional focus (new every day) AND abilities of mythic heroes?

Lord Lupus the Grey wrote:

And what about SLA of Fractured Mind? Can I use them, and if yes - how?

Does this combination provide an ability to change SLA with new phantoms? And what is about emotional focus of phantoms? Are they replaced with herogods abilities, or my phantom will get both emotional focus (new every day) AND abilities of mythic heroes?

Your phantoms get their Emotional Focus and a mythic archetype. So you'd get your new Spell-Like Abilities.

Priest of the Fallen wrote:
These spirits will not suffer being confined in a mortal’s consciousness and must be manifested in ectoplasmic or incorporeal form or they return to the Ethereal Plane. They each have an emotional focus depending on their personality and retain some of their hero-god powers, determined by their mythic archetype. A priest of the fallen can channel a hero-god phantom with a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. A priest of the fallen can channel only one hero-god phantom per 24 hours, but once channeled, a hero-god phantom remains until a new one is channeled.

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