Iron Gods 5E Conversion Advice

Iron Gods

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WagnerSika wrote:
Wasn't that in 3E already? Did they drop it for 5e?

It was in 3.5 only if your deity had the War domain and you took that domain. It was a feature of Pathfinder 1e that all clerics received proficiency in their god's favored weapon, but you missed out if your god's was a simple weapon (not sure about 2e). They dropped it from 5e. The list of gods doesn't include a favored weapon, and there is nothing about it in the Cleric description. However, the War domain gains proficiency in martial weapons (and heavy armor).

Working on Ozmyn Zadow, I found that eldritch knight fighter and bladesinger wizard are not sufficient substitutions for the magus class. However, the line in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything for the artificer that reads: "the strange technologies in the Barrier Peaks of the world of Greyhawk have inspired some folk to walk the path of the artificer" inspired ME to convert the leader of the Technic League to a battle smith artificer. His null blade will also change from a bastard sword to a longsword.

What should Ozmyn Zadow's steel defender look like?

Moving on to work on Gryne Rasik. She's now a Great Old One patron chain pact warlock with her augur kyton familiar converted to 5e. Her patron is Kaikyton, the Kyton Demagogue of experimentation, physical merger, and stitches.

I'm getting more and more discouraged by the challenge of converting the monsters in this campaign. For example: Krimox the Thrice-Flensed. Why is this creature a monk? I don't own the monster codex, so I don't know how they attach monk features to monsters. However, to keep the flavor of the creature, I just attached the first three levels of Monk features and the first feature of Long Death monk subclass. I adjusted attacks, skills, and AC to be in line with 5e. It took far too long to make the adjustments. I copy-pasted the entry for interlocutor kyton from Archives of Nethys into a word document, and printed it. I then made physical changes to the sheet and added the monk features in available space on the back. I would like some way to just use the monsters as-is with minor adjustments, and this is the only way I have found so far. Does anyone have any other ideas of how to make conversion less annoying?

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Today is the day! We pick up with our 5e conversion and I’m pumped! I forgot how long it takes to pick out all the minis for an adventure path module. So much stuff to pack as DM, but I’m ready!

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The PCs managed to recruit Longdreamer to carry the escape pod from the Dusklight back to the Choking Tower.
After a couple weeks they converted it to a landspeeder. Specifically the Rebel Troop cart from Star Wars since I'm using that miniature. I adjusted the Chariot Command Speeder stats from pg. 199-200 of the Star Wars Revised Core Rulebook so it holds more passengers and is a bit slower. They arrived at the mouth of the Scar of the Spider after a tense chase by a pack of arumvoraxes.

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Wish I had seen this thread when I started on Iron Gods 5e myself. We started the same year and all! How funny. My players only in the first part of book 3, so Iadenveigh and all the stuff going on there. Not sure when we're getting to the Aurora but I've got the statblocks for that half ready.

I'll share some of my converted statblocks and equipment a bit later. Suffice to say I went to a lot of lengths to redo a lot of the equipment rules, environmental hazards and actually introduced some ways to help bridge the gap between 5e's low magic item approach and Pathfinder's abundant approach.

RedRobe wrote:
For example: Krimox the Thrice-Flensed. Why is this creature a monk?

He's a monk because Kuthites are ascetics. Their obsession with pain and self-mutilation is a process of absolution for them, and to actually achieve some kind of spiritual ascension. It is a means of cutting away the weakness and reaching some great epiphany about the nature of reality, much like Zon-Kuthon himself did, and much like Krimox did. You don't just become a sado-maschoist of that level without some extreme amount of dedication and self-control, which is why monks are an incredibly good fit for Kuthites. There is even an entire monk archetype in PF dedicated to the Kuthite monks, and the Nidal oligarchs use mute monks as their police force.

As to how you handle his statline, I've not gotten to that point but try and bring over his stats faithfully really. It's worth noting that he is a interlocutor kyton, so replicate some of that creatures abilities first. The bleed attacks, the gaze attacks, etc. And then start adding in appropriate monk abilities like Deflect Arrows or Stunning Blow. I think his PF statblock doesnt really *do* much with the monk template, so this is a good chance to make him more interesting. Really, whatever helps make him more of a threat, and he definitely deserves having legendary actions to help with that if necessary.

He technically isn't necessarily a fight either, so remember that he negotiates first and tempts the party into accepting his aid.

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After some nudging by Isuma to find more gear and supplies before they travel to the Dominion hive to avenge her kin, the party is about to visit Mad Paetyr. If they are able to cure him of his insanity/restore his wisdom, they'll level to 10th. As 5e characters are generally a level higher in power than 3.5/Pathfinder per the conversion guide, they should be relatively fine if they decide to head to either the Hive or dropship. I'm a little disappointed that the neurocam isn't even findable as written. I'll probably throw it in the dropship of they go there first.

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I converted every monster, dungeon and NPC years ago when I ran my PCs through it. You can find them all over at

Feel free to use/not use, modify to your hearts content!

I have been using more refined versions of the various monsters every since (like the guardsmen) and have updated versions of many on world anvil.

UNITY has become a staple of my home-brew setting - the original Iron Goddess was destroyed (at least as far as my PCs know) but an uncorrupted backup was rebooted on Luna and she is known as UNITY the Golden. In fact a PC in my campaign is playing a cleric dedicated to her and I have a 5e domain as well over there.

In my game my PCs obliterated silver mount using a nuke. The moon that The Golden controls (LN goddess) is one gigantic space stations. It's the mega dungeon of my campaign world, and to this day my PCs visit it to "raid" it for loot. In fact, they are there right now trying to find the "Church of Iron Flesh" (cybernetics lab).

Feel free to ping me if you need more help/info.

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Solomani wrote:

I converted every monster, dungeon and NPC years ago when I ran my PCs through it. You can find them all over at

Feel free to use/not use, modify to your hearts content!

I have been using more refined versions of the various monsters every since (like the guardsmen) and have updated versions of many on world anvil.

UNITY has become a staple of my home-brew setting - the original Iron Goddess was destroyed (at least as far as my PCs know) but an uncorrupted backup was rebooted on Luna and she is known as UNITY the Golden. In fact a PC in my campaign is playing a cleric dedicated to her and I have a 5e domain as well over there.

In my game my PCs obliterated silver mount using a nuke. The moon that The Golden controls (LN goddess) is one gigantic space stations. It's the mega dungeon of my campaign world, and to this day my PCs visit it to "raid" it for loot. In fact, they are there right now trying to find the "Church of Iron Flesh" (cybernetics lab).

Feel free to ping me if you need more help/info.

I've actually been using your conversions quite a bit in Valley of the Brain Collectors. The PCs hate the Valley, so once they decided to go straight to the Hive, and found the AI core, they never went to the decaying drop ship of fungal caves. I'll most likely keep using your conversions once we resume my campaign again. Thanks for your hard work!

Does anyone know of an in-depth conversion for the tech in this campaign? What I have found stops after book 2.

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