larsenex |

I have posted previously that I am happy so far with the rule set and my group is running the Age of Ashes campaign. They are currently in the citadel and ended up taking out the 'gator' early. Now they are clearing out the upper citadel for the Bumblebrashers. Game has been very fun. While we all hale from Pathfinder 1E we have made terrible assumptions of rules we thought were obvious, example 'unobserved, hidden, and Invisibility'. The more we play, the more we learn and it has been fun and seems even more intuitive > once you realize what is going on.
I have been slightly altering the adventure to keep players honest, (moving things around and changing some encounters).
My post is really about asking if more 'stand alone' adventure paths' will be released in December? I was going to pick up Fall of Plaguestone but wanted to know if other adventures are showing on the publishing horizon.

Fumarole |

The Dead God's Hand will be out in February. It's the only adventure other than The Fall of Plaguestone that has been announced.

Barnabas Eckleworth III |
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I'm still just starting this AP. But I wanted to say, the toolboxes in the last few adventures, with the selection of familiar monsters updated from previous editions... talk about bang for my buck. I mean, the freakin' tarrasque?
I am so impressed with how it's set up. And I love the adventure toolbox being the standard layout in adventure path issues, as well as standalone adventures like Plaguestone. I know right where to flip to find all the GM tools.
James, if y'all have been wondering what people think, I can at least say from me personally that things are looking really good so far.