Oracle with focus points

Oracle Playtest

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How about oracles have focus points like normal?

Accept Curse (action, metamagic): If the next action you take is to use a focus power, you increase the effects of your oracle curse by one stage instead of spending a focus point.

Refocus (activity, 10 minutes): When an oracle uses the refocus activity with a curse at a stage greater than minor, they reduce the stage to minor instead of regaining focus points.

Sovereign Court

Fayteri wrote:

How about oracles have focus points like normal?

Accept Curse (action, metamagic): If the next action you take is to use a focus power, you increase the effects of your oracle curse by one stage instead of spending a focus point.

Refocus (activity, 10 minutes): When an oracle uses the refocus activity with a curse at a stage greater than minor, they reduce the stage to minor instead of regaining focus points.

That is pretty much what I did, except I figured Refocus can reduce the Curse by 1 step if it is at Moderate or Major, not automatically back to Minor

Grand Lodge

That'd be a lot.
Let's take a level 11 Flame Oracle, for example. After making preparations for the day, they go off adventuring and encounter a bunch of enemies they fight.

They are a gnome with a familiar and Energized Font, because at this point, why not (we're optimizing here) and have a pool of 3 focus points.

By using your suggested metamagic action, they could cast revelation spells up to 8 times in a single combat. When they refocus, they'd then get back essentially 3-5 uses (back to minor curse, so 2 by bumping their curse level from Major -> minor, then 1-3 depending on the refocusing feats they presumably take)

Any other spellcaster of equal level has essentially 2 fewer uses of revelation spells PER COMBAT, which really throws things out of proportion. Oracles might be Focus Spell-based, but they shouldn't outstrip other casters who can use focus spells by so much.

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