Does Underworld Investigator do anything?

Investigator Playtest

Liberty's Edge

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I mean, as near as I can tell, all it does is give you Underworld Lore (which is really bad as the sole thing a Class Feat does). Take The Case, by its wording, should already cover using Thievery to investigate, I would think. I mean, I'd certainly have allowed that if the Underworld Investigator Feat didn't exist.

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Take the Case seems to assume mental-stat skills, even if wording leaves wiggle room.
Maybe they do need to tighten that up though. But even with that, it's weak compared to Flexible Studies IMHO.
I might extend Underworld to Thievery and Stealth (to hide from them while investigating).
Stealth bonus is pretty nice... And it should automatically work with things like Clue In (for allies) right?
It could also probably use a "if already Trained, become Expert instead" line (although I also suggested that for Flexible Studies).

Liberty's Edge

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Quandary wrote:
Take the Case seems to assume mental-stat skills, even if wording leaves wiggle room.

It says 'typically'. That's more than just a little wiggle room, that's 'this should work on anything directly investigative'. Like I said, if this Feat didn't exist I'd allow it on Thievery to rifle through someone's desk in a heartbeat, and I very much doubt I'm alone in that.

I think the feat is also lacking some combat benefit or maybe being a bit broader would do the trick.

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