Alchemical Reagents and Crafted Items

Rules Questions

So I realized recently that it might be possible to craft items such a scrolls and wands while using alchemical Reagents, but I wanted to check.

If my understanding is correct say I wanted to craft a scroll of grease using acid as a component I would craft the scroll as normal, but it would cost the 10gp or single dose of acid in addition to the usual crafting cost. Then when I activated the scroll it would have the added effect.

If I wanted to do the same with a wand I could, but I'd have to provide 50 doses of the acid as a part of the item creation correct?

What if I wanted to craft an grease item using both acid and alchemical grease? I can do that correct? They bonuses provided by the reagents are different and not stacking

As far as I know there aren't explicit rules for doing this, but basically yeah, treat it as you would treat creating a scroll or wand of any other spell that had an expensive material component.

I believe you are limited to only one reagent at a time, though:

Reagents do not stack with either themselves or one another, and are expended after use.

blahpers wrote:

As far as I know there aren't explicit rules for doing this, but basically yeah, treat it as you would treat creating a scroll or wand of any other spell that had an expensive material component.

I believe you are limited to only one reagent at a time, though:

Reagents do not stack with either themselves or one another, and are expended after use.

Cool. Grease with acid as a scroll just became a common plan for me then.

As far as stacking goes my interpretation is that you can't stack the benefits of reagents with other reagents in that you can't gain increasing bonuses to the same thing. Like using brimstone and acid on acid splash since they both add damage. But if it's separate things like the bonus to DC from alchemical grease and the damage from the acid that's fine. I can see where there's an argument to be made the other way though.

For reagents that are (M), that works fine. For (F), however, it breaks down. Granted the latter don't add much, but how do you know if the stored spell used it or not.

As a GM, I would not allow the latter usage.


I mean, you would have to note something different in either case. It's exactly the same amount of book keeping. I do expect that you never "find" these types of items, unless a gm is being generous that is.

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