Missing Critical Hit Deck from subscription, unwanted items added to order, 11 days without reply

Customer Service

I sent an email to customer.service@paizo.com 11 days ago when I noticed that the Pathfinder Critical Hit Deck was not in my upcoming subscription items but the Critical Fumble Deck was. I started this subscription with the Critical Hit Deck and was looking forward to using it in my games.

I followed up 1 day later when I got my order confirmation (Order 8129186), and it suddenly included all the accessories that were released BEFORE the Critical Hit Deck. I already own several of these and am not interested in the others. The Critical Hit Deck still wasn't part of that order and is still not showing up.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything back and the order with the invalid items has been stuck on "Pending" for the past 10 days. I understand that everything is a bit chaotic after the release of PF2, but I think 11 days without even an acknowledgment of receiving my email is a bit long :(.

In order to speed up the process, this is what needs to happen to fix my issue:

In Order 8129186 remove the following items:

- Pathfinder GM Screen
- Pathfinder Character Sheet Pack
- Pathfinder Combat Pad
- Pathfinder Condition Card Deck

And add the:

- Pathfinder Critical Hit Deck

Unfortunately, today, 13 days after I contacted you about the issue, Order 8129186 was shipped with items that I didn't want and without the Critical Hit Deck :(.

Customer Service Representative

Hello tomeric,

I'm sorry about the issue our backlog caused for you. I have responded to your email with additional information on how to resolve the situation. We'll do everything we can to make it right. Thank you!

Thank you Sam, I'm very happy with the solution you proposed.

I also replied to your mail, but wanted to make sure the answer was visible to others as well.

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