
Homebrew and House Rules

I would linke to convert our bloodrager (arcane bloodline) to 2nd Edition. I thought about this:
Bloodrager instinct:
Your rage taps into a deep reservoir of an intrinsic power that seethes within. your veins surge with arcane power.
Anathema and instinct ability:
You dont have an anathema.
Your rage gains the arcane trait. When starting your rage you gain the benefit of one of the following spells : blur, spider climb, resist energy. (Spell Level equal to 1/2level). You gain the sorcerer archetype feat.
Specialisation ability:
Damage in rage fromm 2 to 4 (also haste on spell list, when starting rage)
Greater weapin specialisation damage to 8
Raging resistance:
Resist damage fromm spells and innate spells

What you Think?

* Resist damage from spells is quite strong compared to the other instincts.
* I like the idea of auto-buffing instead of having to cast it yourself (although you have the option of a caster route too).
* The small damage bonuses are pretty painful, as the damage increases are the barbarian's main selling point.

Overall, I like the direction. I would say it needs a few class feats to go with it, like the other instincts get, to make it competitive with them. Since it gives the sorcerer dedication feat, you get some spellcasting no matter what, so maybe give a few feats related to that (1/rage, free action moment of clarity maybe?).

Thx for your thoughts.
What do you mean with "the idea of auto-buffing instead of having to cast it yourself"
I think the Spell Resistance is not as powerful as the ability of the Fury Instinct "all physical Weapon Damage", but maybe its better to take Arcane and/or Occult Spells only?
I like the idea of the class Feats...will think about them.

What do you think about that?

Bloodrager Instinct:
Your Rage taps into a deep reservoir of an intrinsic power that seethes within and is called Bloodrage. Your veins surge with arcane power.

Anathema and Instinct Ability:
You dont have an Anathema. Your Rage gains the Arcane Trait.
When starting your Rage you gain the benefits of one oft he following Arcane Spells.
Blur, Spider Climb or Resist Energy. They count as Innate Spells ( ½ Level as Spell Level)
You gain the Sorcerer Dedication Archetype feat.

Specialisation Ability:
When you use your Bloodrage, you increase the additional damage from Rage from 2 to 6 and you can also gain Haste as possible Spell when starting your Rage. If you have greater weapon specialization, instead increase the damage from Rage when using Bloodrage to 10.

Raging Resistance:
Resist Damage from all Spells and Innate Spells, but Resistance is 1+Con modifier.

Bloodrager Feats:
6th Level Feat:
Bloodrager Arcana: Pre.: Bloodrager Instinct
When you regain your spells, you gain an extra slot equal to your highest spell level you can cast. You can split this Spell Slot to gain more spell slots of lower levels. P.ex.: Highest Spell Level 3, You can split to gain one 1st Level and 1 2nd Level or 3 1st Level or 1 3rd Level Spell slot. You decide each day when regaining.

12th Level Feat:
Spell Harrier: Pre.: Bloodrager Instinct, Bloodrager Arcana
For each Spellcasting Archetype Feat up to Expert Spellcasting, you have, you know a new spell in each Spell-Level Field.
Basic Spellcasting Feat (one of 1,2, or 3), Expert Spellcasting Feat (one of 4, 5 or 6)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Getting spells when raging and getting the sorcerer dedication at level 1 seems too strong to me. Not to mention that those innate spells are higher level than you could cast at level 1.

Perhaps give the sorcerer dedication only, and grant the spells in Specialization ability.

What I meant by auto-buffing was, you have a spell effect apply as soon as you rage, without an extra action. It is a cool and unique way for the spell-focused barbarian to get a spell effect while raging, and I think expanding on that would be a better direction than to increase their "regular" spell casting. After all, if it just gives you the same things as taking a sorcerer dedication, you don't need to make a new instinct, just pick the sorcerer archetype at level 2.
It should offer something which you can't get through an existing archetype, which is spells that are cast "through" your rage, not despite it.

The auto-buffing spells are way too strong for level 1. Additionally, rage is not a limited power, so you're effectively giving the bloodrager infinite casting of certain spells per day.

I suggest that starting bloodrage allows you to cast a spell that targets yourself only as a free action. It could be any spell you know, as long as it comes from a spell slot (eg. not a focus spell).

Hey, thx a lot for the interesting suggestions. You guys know the original Bloodrager from 1E (Arcane Bloodline) ??
I will work over the Instinct and post again. Would be happy if there is some feedback again :D

What I would do to keep it inline with the rest Instincts:

Start with the fury Instinct as a template.

Use those numbers for the extra damage and resistance (choose appropriate types).

Instead of "free class feat" you gain "Blood magic". (you gain a higher level class feat but lose a bit of flexibility)

Blood magic: As Arcane Sorc MC without the skills but with "spells gained from Blood magic have the Rage trait".

New feats:
6: Basic Blood magic. (as basic sorc spellcasting). The spells chosen gain the Rage trait. (stronger than basic spellcasting due to the trait addition, but comes a bit later to make it inline with the other Instinct feats)

12: expert blood magic. As expert spellcasting+Breadth. Spells gain the rage trait. (much stronger than a mc feat since it's 2 feats for the price of 1 AND gives the trait on said spells)

Keep in mind that at level 11+ you get what you were trying with the auto casting since you get to use a "Rage trait ability" alongside your Rage action. So you can choose a spell and cast it.

This way you gain:
1)The ability to cast your spells without wasting actions for Moment of Clarity
2)2 feats over going barb/mc sorc (3 if you include clarity)
3)the ability to cast a spell alongside your rage action at 11+

I think those are inline with the rest instincts, slightly towards the strongest side, but not by much.

Shroudb thx. You have some interesting options.
I have changed the Bloodrager as follows.
Now for the benefits of casting spells while raging the Bloodmagic feat is weaker than Sorcerer Dedication feat.
The Specialisation Ability is weaker than the Fury Instinct (for damage, 5 and 10).
Raging Resistance is 1+Con
HP gained are weaker 10+Con
Instead of deny advantage --> Bloodrage

I dont want to loose the benefits of Bloodrage because with dedication feats you have not many spells. Thats the main boost besides the weaker Damage and less HP.

Bloodrager Instinct:
Your Rage taps into a deep reservoir of an intrinsic power that seethes within and is called Bloodrage. Your veins surge with arcane power.

Anathema and Instinct Ability:
You dont have an Anathema. Your Rage gains the Arcane Trait.
You gain the Blood Magic feat. The HP you gain from your Class change to 10 plus your Constitution modifier.

Bloodmagic: (Archetype, Dedication, Multiclass Rage)
Choose a Bloodline. You cast spells as spells like a sorcerer. You gain access tot he cast a spell activity. The spells you cast gain the Rage trait. You gain a Spell repertoire with two common cantrips from the associated bloodline. You are trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for your traditions spells. Your key spellcasting ability is charisma, and they are sorcerer spells of your bloodlines tradition. You dont gain any other abilities from your choice of bloodline. You cannot select any other dedication feat. This Feat counts as Sorcerer Dedication for Feats that have Sorcerer Dedication as Prerequisite.

At 3rd Level, instead of gaining deny advantage you gain the following feature:
Bloodrage: 1 Action (Arcane, Concentrate, Rage), Pre.: You start your Rage ,
1+Cha/Day you can start a Bloodrage in addition to your Barbarian Rage.
Choose one of the following Spells after resting (when regaining your spells): Blur, Spider Climb or Resist Energy. When starting your Bloodrage you gain the benefits of the Arcane Spell until you end your Rage.
It counts as an Innate Spell ( ½ Level as Spell Level). Every Day when you regain your Spell slots you can choose the spell again or another of the list.

Specialisation Ability:
When you use your Bloodrage, you increase the additional damage from Rage from 2 to 5 and you can also choose Haste as possible Spell for Bloodrage. If you have greater weapon specialization, instead increase the damage from Rage when using Bloodrage to 10.

Raging Resistance:
Resist Damage from all Spells and Innate Spells, but the Resistance you gain is 1+Con modifier.

Bloodrager Feats:
6th Level Feat:
Bloodrager Arcana: Pre.: Bloodrager Instinct
You no longer have to choose your spell for Bloodrage when regaining your daily spells. Instead every time you start your Bloodrage you choose which spell affects you.
12th Level Feat:
Spell Harrier: Pre.: Bloodrager Instinct, Bloodrager Arcana
For each of the following Spellcasting Archetype Feats you have, you know a new spell in each Spell-Level Field.
Basic Spellcasting Feat (one of 1,2, or 3), Expert Spellcasting Feat (one of 4, 5 or 6)

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