Ubertron_X |

To be honest I am currently a little lost on how a low level party is supposed to find magic items, respectively about the search routine using both Detect Magic and Read Aura.
Detec Magic seems to provide a binary feedback (no magic present or magic present) and Read Aura already needs a target in order to work. So how do you actually find magic items or effects apart from conducting a meticulous search aka turning every stone?
A party of adventureres stumble into a storeroom. Among the hundreds of mundane items the storeroom contains:
a) a couple of weapon stands with dozens of melee weapons on display, one of which is a magic sword
b) a couple of pre-packed backpacks on a shelf, one of which contains two potions of lesser heal
c) some sturdy wooden chests containing various items, one of which however contains a small bag with a magic ring
d) a secret compartment hidden behind an 1" stone wall and containing a magic wand
e) the only other exit to the room is secured by a "lock" spell
So apart from the fact that Detect Magic in PF2 seems not overly clear on how it works regarding line of effect ( also see here), when somebody triggers Detect Magic in this room at least the sword and the enchanted lock (both of which are within line of sight and line of effect) should register and the spell will tell you: Yes, there is magic in this room.
But how do you go from here without any clue what item(s) it could be? Use Read Magic for hours, checking every single object?
Trianglulation is out of question because DM does not provide directions, so the only option would be starting to use DM even outside the room, inching forward step by step (and if possible coming from two or more separate directions) while constantly using DM pulses to get at least an idea where the magic might be coming from. However even the later approach looks very time consuming and complicated.
Did I miss something?

shroudb |
You enter the room and see the loot.
You cast detect magic and it shows that there's unfamiliar magic around.
Then it depends on the party level.
On level 1 it takes 1 minute per item for Read, so you better take the magic item candidates with you and Read Magic on them at your leisure while you are making camp.
On level 5, you cut time down by a factor of 10, so taking a quick 10 min break is enough to go through 100 items.
On level 11 it's just 1 min for every item in sight.

Ubertron_X |

You enter the room and see the loot.
You cast detect magic and it shows that there's unfamiliar magic around.
Then it depends on the party level.
On level 1 it takes 1 minute per item for Read, so you better take the magic item candidates with you and Read Magic on them at your leisure while you are making camp.
On level 5, you cut time down by a factor of 10, so taking a quick 10 min break is enough to go through 100 items.
On level 11 it's just 1 min for every item in sight.
I guess if you cross-reference Read Aura and Detect Magic it is level 5 and 7 (DM pinpoint), however it still looks a bit arbitray for the lower levels...

thenobledrake |
Many magic items look like "good quality" items, so they might stand out visually from "run of the mill" items of the same type. As a result, you could respond to a positive ping of Detect Magic by grabbing anything nearby that looks well made, then check it out with Read Aura at your leisure.
Either the items will be magical as suspected, or they might be worth a decent amount in trade.

shroudb |
shroudb wrote:I guess if you cross-reference Read Aura and Detect Magic it is level 5 and 7 (DM pinpoint), however it still looks a bit arbitray for the lower levels...You enter the room and see the loot.
You cast detect magic and it shows that there's unfamiliar magic around.
Then it depends on the party level.
On level 1 it takes 1 minute per item for Read, so you better take the magic item candidates with you and Read Magic on them at your leisure while you are making camp.
On level 5, you cut time down by a factor of 10, so taking a quick 10 min break is enough to go through 100 items.
On level 11 it's just 1 min for every item in sight.
Pin point with detect is still imprecise sense. You just know the 5x5 square.
It can make a difference in something like a dragon hoard, but you'd still want Read.
As for lower levels, everything is harder at lower levels to do, but on the flip side everything is also easier from a challenge pov.
If you run into a room full of magical items at level 5, you don't really care if you take even an hour to identify them... I mean, you just got rich.
And if you run into a room full of magical "effects" going on, you better move away really really fast...

Penthau |

Caster goes outside of the room. Group throws out one item at a time and the caster casts Detect Magic. Nothing detected, throw it in the normal pile. Something detected, throw it in your bag for later ID. For finding the hidden stuff, you are stuck with searching, I guess. Since the Line of effect doesn't go into the room, you are just detecting the stuff in the hallway. Tedious, but who said adventuring was exciting?
Also, it just occurred to me, wouldn't most magic armor and weapons have runes on them? I assume they are visible and where they can be easily seen.