Coming back - Broken Token-like inserts for Core / Curse boxes?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Sovereign Court

Been away since around the release of Wrath, and finally got around to cracking my Core and Curse boxes. I have to say, I'm getting the same feeling I did with the Adventure Chest - that I can't believe this design was approved. Unfortunately, the physical quality of the box and inside seem to match that. While I know some people have made printable dividers, etc, does anybody know if there is something similar to Broken Token products that just replaces the entire insides of these boxes with better quality and organization options? This was a big shock considering how good every PACG Adventure Pathbefore was as storage.

This complaint has come up before.

The Core Set box is actually pretty good, especially with the dividers that have been provided. True, the cards move around a lot more, but once you get the AP cards in there (and assuming you kept the foam blocks that came with the Core Set), there isn't so much room that cards get disorganized. I think that the current system is a significant improvement over the old plastic inserts (which only worked if you didn't sleeve your cards). The AP box is clearly not sufficient to keep the cards stored in an organized manner; and the Core Set box isn't big enough to hold more than a few sets of AP cards (probably only 1 if you sleeve your cards), so that's not a viable storage solution.

I don't know of any third party organizers. Yet. I'm working on making my own right now (bought a bunch of wood pieces at a local hobby store), but I'm hoping that The Broken Token and other companies will come through for us.

Also, Paizo/Lone Shark have said that they're looking at the feedback for the Core Set/Curse of the Crimson Throne AP to see if there is anything that they need to adjust. While their focus is probably rules, I'm hoping that the frequent complaints about the AP box will be heard and will result in a box that is similar to the Core Set in terms of being able to store the cards (i.e., tall/deep enough and with inserts).

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Brother Tyler wrote:
I think that the current system is a significant improvement over the old plastic inserts (which only worked if you didn't sleeve your cards).

Just as a quick aside/anecdote; even if you didn't sleeve your cards a lot of base sets had issues around AD5-6, especially with the Character Add-On Decks.

Prior to Core, I didn't sleeve my cards, but it's impossible to fit all henchmen into the given slot in Mummy's Mask (with the Character Add-On Deck); and I recall I had issues with one or two other slots (including the slot for Support cards). I can't imagine using the old boxes with sleeves.

I'm a big fan of the simple "Here's some foam blocks and dividers - make your own organisation" of the Core Set, honestly. It also lets me pack cards far more tightly (with the right inserts) in case I want to transport my box.

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I love the new Core box. It does everything I want a big box of cards to do: it holds everything snug, it allows me to sleeve my cards, it has room for extra cards and bits, and it does it all in a reasonably sized box. The only complaint I have is that I would have loved to see the divider cards be more rigid, possibly plastic.

On the other hand, the Curse box is not great. If and when a new AP comes out, I'm going to want to take the Curse cards out of the Core box, and the Curse box is not suitable for storing those cards.

Mork hit my feelings exactly. Core box is perfect for my needs, easy to transport and holds the core set with the current AP that I'm playing. Easily configured how I want it.

I've got a few thoughts regarding how to store Curse when I'm done and ready to sub in a different AP, but I wish I wasn't forced to find something that will work.

So I have Broken Token inserts for all my other sets mainly because the boxes wouldn't fit my cards sleeved. One nice thing about those broken token inserts was that they were pretty adjustable.

But with the new Core box...I love it. It by default fits my sleeved cards, it's super adjustable, and they gave me dividers to make it easy to find cards. I personally feel no need to spend another $24-60 on an insert like I have for my sets/games.

My one complaint is that I don't feel I can fit my Curse cards back into the Curse box sleeved. This isn't so much a big deal currently, but in the future if there are other sets then I don't really plan to have Core+Curse+New set in my vault at the same time, and would like to have a place to keep them other than a BCW box

I like the base Core box layout MUCH more than the old box sets.
I have a Pathfinder Treasure Chest I use for my Core+Current expansion and will put the unused sets in the Core Box
I used penny sleeves

My opinion is so far very positive. Minor remark: I own only Skull&Shackless (full) + Core + Curse and use sleeved cards exclussively - perfect size.
Even with the very thin perfect size sleeves, I could never fit the whole AP into the box in Skull&Shackles. Locations were crammed into the provided space (so I threw out character cards into a bag and split the locations), Villains as well - and I had to put named henchmen into a special bag because they did not fit at all into the henchman section. Never got to add AD6 cards into the box, so it might have been OK or not.
With Core, everything is customizable and the plastic foam spacers do a great job of holding the cards in place. I would prefer the dividers to be more durable as well (their top becomes a little frayed over time, as they are essentially from paper) and to have dividers for Curse and potentially other APs - main divider ("Curse of the Crimson Throne") and dividers for adventures 1-7 + maybe a second Further Adventures divider. Dividers for Core adventures 2,3 might also come handy.

Regarding the Curse box - you can store the cards in that pretty easily and everything fits, but only if you are using tight-fitting sleeves like perfect size or no sleeves at all (the latter is kind of barbaric, for such a nice game). There was another thread, where I sent a picture proving it ;)

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