Does "a random location" include the base?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

There are often times when a card instructs you to do something with a random location, or random open location. Do you include the base in these?

For things like shuffling in monsters, I assume no, since the base cannot ever contain any card except supporters. What about barriers that get displayed in front of a random location? Or, for example, CotCT 3a, which tells you to examine the top 1d4 cards of a random location?

No, the base is never counted when you are instructed to do anything with a location.

It is a location only for the purpose of the rules that explain:
- what you can do locally when you are there (examine, explore...)
- that YOU can select it as a destination for a move when YOU (not a power) get to select the destination


Curse of the Crimson Storybook wrote:
The Base cannot be closed while it has cards in it, and it does not count as a location when counting locations, shuffling cards into locations, or determining if villains can escape to it. If all other locations are closed, or the Base has neither cards in it nor characters at it, the Base closes automatically. (A simplified version of these rules appears on the Base as a reminder; these are the complete rules.)

It really should be 'adding cards into locations', rather than just 'shuffling', I think. I'm sure there's some banes that say something to the effect of "Recharge/Reload into a random location". Might be worth errata, because RAW it seems to only prevent cards from being shuffled into it.

I was thinking "No" as well, but I don't see anything in this rule that explicitly disallows including the base as a random location for the purpose of displaying barriers in front of, or examining.

Curse of the Crimson Storybook wrote:
The Base cannot be closed while it has cards in it, and it does not count as a location when counting locations, shuffling cards into locations, or determining if villains can escape to it. If all other locations are closed, or the Base has neither cards in it nor characters at it, the Base closes automatically. (A simplified version of these rules appears on the Base as a reminder; these are the complete rules.)

"Examine the top 1d4 cards of a random location" and "Display this barrier in front of a random location" are not covered by those bolded items.

That's why we intentionally not play it RAW.


Could there be a FAQ for this? This question is still being posed, and I'm pretty sure the RAW conflicts with the RAI.

In the example scenario 3A, the theme is "Everything is on fire - banes are running away and boons are getting burned". This doesn't cleanly intersect with the Base, and can lead to the scenario power 'whiffing' and having basically no impact on the game, especially later on when there's only 1-2 non-Base locations left.

Also, it encourages players *not* to empty the Base, which seems to make the scenario less fun, not more.

As pointed out in this thread, it also explicitly doesn't stop a bane from being reloaded/recharged into the Base (which is certainly not intended with how you "draw cards" from the location there rather than explore!) or barriers being displayed, etc.

Having a FAQ state that the Base does not count when randomly selecting locations should solve most issues, and the remainder should be solved by saying that it does not count when adding cards into locations (rather than just shuffling).

We play the Base is just to hold Supporters and does not impact the game in any other way. So you can just go there and gain some Supporters, all other instructions, powers or effect etc. are ignored (unless explicitly directed otherwise). For example, with CotCT Scenario 4D, Trial of the Totem, we only put Totem Piles on the normal locations and not the Base location and the scenario end of turn power does not apply to it.

Well, I hope that's right ;)

Bonus question: You can explore multiple times at the Base with explore cards, just like any other location, can't you?
So if one player starts at the Base, they can free explore and gain a Supporter, then say draw a card (one of the options at Base), then discard an explore card to explore, gain a Supporter, then heal that card (another option at the Base), repeat for as many explore cards as you may have.

We have Kess in our team with 9 Allies and she can go through that deck as much as she wants at the this right?

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Droideka wrote:

Bonus question: You can explore multiple times at the Base with explore cards, just like any other location, can't you?

So if one player starts at the Base, they can free explore and gain a Supporter, then say draw a card (one of the options at Base), then discard an explore card to explore, gain a Supporter, then heal that card (another option at the Base), repeat for as many explore cards as you may have.

We have Kess in our team with 9 Allies and she can go through that deck as much as she wants at the this right?

Absolutely. For some characters, there's even more benefits to doing so.

Post-role, for example, Fumbus can draw a card after every exploration (and usually carries one or two healing cards in his deck), so there should be nothing stopping him from chain-exploring through every Supporter at the Base, displaying them all, and ending still on full health. Some characters are exceptionally well placed to just getting all of your rallied Supporters displayed straight-up in a single turn... though doing so will empty the Base and prevent you from using it in the future to clear your hand or remove a scourge or something.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Base rules wrote:

The Base cannot be closed while it has cards in it, and it does not count as a location when counting locations, shuffling cards into locations, or determining if villains can escape to it. If all other locations are closed, or the Base has neither cards in it nor characters at it, the Base closes automatically. (A simplified version of these rules appears on the Base as a reminder; these are the complete rules.)

The bolded part, to me, very much guarantees that you will never include the Base when you are determining a random location. This is because, in order to determine a random location, you inherently have to count how many locations there are.

Think about it... how do you determine a random location? At every table I've played at, it involves counting the number of locations and then rolling a die.... if there are 6 locations, you roll 1d6. So, if any power tells you to "do X to a random location", you should NOT be including the Base, since it's never counted (literally it isn't part of any COUNT). If there are 7 locations, and the Base is one of them, you should roll 1d6 and not include the Base in that roll.

Seems infinitely clear to me, both from intent AND rules as written.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Added to FAQ.

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