Full plate (level 2)?

Rules Discussion

On the armor table on page 275, the heavy armor says

Split mail (level 1)
Half plate (level 1)
Full plate (level 2)

Do those levels mean anything?

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It means a fill plate is an item suited for a 2nd level character so GMs should be wary to hand it out before then.

And more (probably more importantly) it means a 1st level character can't craft a full plate.

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In addition to that (because otherwise the level 1s don't really mean anything, unless you want to do some sort of zero-level "call to adventure" session), it's also used for starting treasure past 1st level. If a 2nd level character dies, and then the player brings in a new character, and that character want's half plate, that counts as their 1st level item. Likewise for Full plate counting as a second level item, if a character comes in at levels 3-6.

Crafting too - crafter level >= Item level p534

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