Question on how deadly the ankhrav is...

Rules Discussion

As a badger, I need to keep an eye out for creatures that may infiltrate my burrows. As such, I am going through the tome of beasts looking for other burrowing creatures and have found the Ankhrav! This is a very scary beast indeed, but what is worse is the hive mother!!! Unfortunately, while it says that the ankhrav hive mother has a pair of razor-sharp mantis-like claws, the tome has no information on just how dangerous such creatures are. I desire to know, so I may better defend my burrows, and possibly help you humanfolk also...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
R0b0tBadgr wrote:
As a badger, I need to keep an eye out for creatures that may infiltrate my burrows. As such, I am going through the tome of beasts looking for other burrowing creatures and have found the Ankhrav! This is a very scary beast indeed, but what is worse is the hive mother!!! Unfortunately, while it says that the ankhrav hive mother has a pair of razor-sharp mantis-like claws, the tome has no information on just how dangerous such creatures are. I desire to know, so I may better defend my burrows, and possibly help you humanfolk also...

I am not sure what your actual question is. Could you clarify? Also, you posted this 3 times.

Strange, as the first time i tried the forum goblins ate my post.

My question was, how much damage do the mantis claws do? It has the mandible attack, but the scary claws that are mentioned in the description aren't mentioned in the info block. That is what I want to know.

Maybe the author of this tome was afraid to include such information... Or the scribes didn't copy it faithfully... Who knows???

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
R0b0tBadgr wrote:

Strange, as the first time i tried the forum goblins ate my post.

My question was, how much damage do the mantis claws do? It has the mandible attack, but the scary claws that are mentioned in the description aren't mentioned in the info block. That is what I want to know.

Maybe the author of this tome was afraid to include such information... Or the scribes didn't copy it faithfully... Who knows???

Ah, I see. Yeah it looks like an error.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So not sure, it list mandibles..but not mantis arms...I think I would list them basically like the mandibles except slashing not piercing

My thoughts....

razor-sharp, mantis-like arms +20 (acid), Damage 2d8+6 slashing plus 2d6 acid

so basically they same different damage type :)

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