Create Water - What does 2 gallons actually do?

Rules Discussion

The Create Water spell makes 2 gallons of water.

But nowhere in the book can I find how much water a creature needs to drink in a day, by gallons.

Is this a copy/paste legacy problem?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I don't think copy/paste is the right phrase here. That sort of logistics just isn't part of the spell at all.

You can safely assume that humans and horses are the same on Golarion and Earth, and you want 0.5-1 gallon per person and 5-10 gallons per day per horse, Google other animals and extrapolate.

Shadow Lodge

So, conventional wisdom in the real world says a human wants about 2 liters (around a half-gallon) of water in a day. So the easy answer is Create Water can sustain four medium creatures for a day.

You could get more technical though, but I don't think that's necessary for a roleplaying game.

it also really depends on other factors.

while half a gallon is fine for a generally calm day that you just go about your business, heavy strain, exercise, and activity will require a lot more.

i'd say that an adventurer easily needs 1 gallon during an adventure as an example.

then there are environmental issues, like who don't need the same amount of water on a forest and on a desert.

and etc.

so it's better for the spell to just say how much water it produces, and then have the player/gm figure out depending on their circumstances how much they consume.

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If you read the entry for water skin. It holds a gallon which is the daily amount for small or medium creature.

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