2 - Cult of Cinders (GM Reference)

Age of Ashes

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That's a great solution, thank you

On the Gerhard discussion, the group I was in thought he was a humorously designed character but never thought he was a "joke". We thought he was satire of "jungle stories" and colonial attitudes at most, considering that Harriet the lion's prior owner thought lions lived in the jungle and Akosa had previously been kidnapped into slavery. A pompous hunter felt fully in genre. On the twin thing, I think the default should be him simply being upfront about having a twin so it doesn't feel like a GM ignoring a player victory if he dies. Our GM was running two groups so here's two more ways the twin situation can be dealt with:

-The other group fought him, left him alive, and threatened him to not come back. His twin was used as the good twin to Gerhard's bad. After some mistaken identity, he explained that he's on a mission to discredit Gerhard's inaccurate reports. When Gerhard showed up at the temple, it led to another fight and his brother dealt with the aftermath.

-In the group I was in, the GM made a key change to Gerhard based on the players. With one character being a doctor who worked with the poor and another being a graduate of the Magaambya, the GM altered Gerhard to also be a distant professor and at least some of people he brought with him being his students. While everyone hated his callous reasoning (he saw the petrified students as acceptable targets in the pursuit of knowledge since he obviously couldn't lift statues into his boat), we managed to talk him down without a fight and assist the students after the 24 hours of the petrification ended. We managed to get the Ekujae to sideline him a bit as we further explored and fought the Cinderclaw. With the way we handled him, the GM not to use his twin at all when we went to the temple.


Also, I'm another voice in being disappointed that the map of Akrivel doesn't have details. I know the party is kept on a short leash but it would be useful for return trips after you succeed or perhaps for GMs that more thoroughly homebrew the start of the chapter.

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Starfinder Superscriber

I just gotta say, one of my players played the descendant of the Broken Tusks from Quest for the Frozen Flame in this AP, and we got to the part where the party has to tell stories to the Ekujae, and she just got up there and told the whole story of Quest for the Frozen Flame and it was amazing.

And that was after she swallowed 5 peppers and toughed it out. Just a really fantastic moment.

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Cult of Cinders, p63 wrote:
The PCs’ actions might even open up a trade route between the Ekujae elves and Isger, if the Leopard Clan had a friendly or better attitude toward the PCs. Though the Ekujae will not venture through Huntergate, fearing Dahak’s wrath, a small envoy of elves traveling over land arrives in Breachill a few weeks later, including any friends the PCs may have made among the Ekujae.

Bolded for emphasis. This is my favourite blooper to date, and had me literally crying. For context: It is roughly 1,500 miles as the crow flies from north-western Mwangi to Breachill, and that includes a mountain range and crossing the inner sea. 'tis a hell of a walk.

That aside, while a bit combat-heavy, we're loving this adventure path so far, even if I have been tinkering with it along the way (e.g. throwing out the Ruling Citadel Altaerein section and replacing it with a rebalanced-for-PF2 version of MCDM's Strongholds & Followers)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I read overland to simply mean "not using the aiudara."

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere (or in the AP itself), but I can't seem to find any reference to what happens if Kyrion dies in Book 2. The AP has all sorts of details on what happens if he lives, but if he dies, do the players just suddenly get possession of a shard of the orb of golden dragonkind, even if they can't properly ID it?
Just seems like a morally dubious group could end up with a fairly high-level artifact fragment while their level is still in single digits.

Okay, so this happened in our AOA PbP game. Pendergrast lives, but the party gets revenge on him (of sorts):

https://www.myth-weavers.com/index.php?/topic/8142-chapter-6-pillars-of-rui n-continued/page/38/

Niloc716 wrote:

Sorry if this is mentioned elsewhere (or in the AP itself), but I can't seem to find any reference to what happens if Kyrion dies in Book 2. The AP has all sorts of details on what happens if he lives, but if he dies, do the players just suddenly get possession of a shard of the orb of golden dragonkind, even if they can't properly ID it?

Just seems like a morally dubious group could end up with a fairly high-level artifact fragment while their level is still in single digits.

This is exactly what happened in my game, and it’s turned out pretty interesting. The gold shard, along with the gold dragon scale from book 1, have maintained a mysterious through line throughout the AP, which it is sorely lacking. My PCs actually lost the shard and scale to the Scarlet Triad in the middle of book 3, and Laslunn taunted them over it, pointing out that the PCs have no idea what game they're getting themselves into. Now in book 4, they asked Archmage Nalruven in to take a look at it, and he rolled poorly and did not identify it. ^^; I’m planning to have it, and some details of the Scarlet Triad’s plans, come out through role play with Veshumirix at the end of the book.

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