Dissatisfied with the new direction

Customer Service

Silver Crusade

I understand that very few people will see this and even fewer will care, but I want to express my current disappointment with Paizo. My issues are twofold, I have subscribed to the adventure path for a little while now. I recieved a damaged product, and while they have agreed to replace it, they are holding off until 2nd edition begins to bundle it with another 2 books. I had also put in an order through my FLGS for the pocket editions of both Occult Adventures and Ultimate Wilderness back in mid-May. The game store and I are both STILL waiting on Paizo to fulfill the order. I know everyone's gearing up for 2nd Edition, but it's still a slap in the face to those of us who are still supporting 1st Edition until 2nd comes out.

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Paizo probably don’t ship to the game store directly. The second issue is a problem with the distributor.

Silver Crusade

Was the damaged one from awhile ago or the previous month's? Because they're shipping 2e stuff right now.

For the pocket editions I would start a thread in Customer Service, maybe there was an issue/miscommunication between your LFGS and Paizo or the order didn't go through?

Edit: What Steve said, it might be a Distributor thing.

Silver Crusade

It was issue 5, the previous issue.

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Val'bryn2 wrote:
It was issue 5, the previous issue.

Pretty sure that means it’s not being delayed then. If they setup a replacement on its own, it goes into the same shipping queue as everything else. Issue six orders are being generated right now. Whether they include it separately or bundle it together it won’t get to you any quicker.

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To be clear - feelings are feelings, I’m not trying to talk you out of anything.

It’s worth knowing the systems though (I’m in Australia and often feel that frustration when a new release comes out and isn’t available here for a month or two after the hype. Paizo don’t ship to FLGSes though, as a general rule. It’s distributors who handle that link in the chain).

The apparent delay in replacing your book isn’t through holding off until PF2, it’s because their warehouse crew is flat out (coincidentally...shipping PF2 products). Paizo’s shipping algorithm has to be geared towards getting books out rapidly each month when subscriptions are due. Your issue came up at the worst time of the year for them.

Silver Crusade

I understand it, my point is more that they gave me, at regular price, a product that they generally put on sale at a discount, and fixing their mistake was not a priority. That's what gets me. I just received a notice that it's being shipped out on August 2nd, when I reported the damage on June 22.

Silver Crusade

“my point is more that they gave me, at regular price, a product that they generally put on sale at a discount”


As for the shipping you’ll receive it by the 2nd, just like everyone else’s shipment.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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I've moved this thread to the Customer Service forum. CS will look into and explain the shipping issue.

As for the retailer issue, Steve is correct—we don't sell directly to retailers. We sell to distibutors, and retailers order from them. Both of the products you're asking about were released in May, and all of our distributors should have both products in stock. Your retailer should have ZERO problem getting them. If you want to let us know who your retailer is, we can investigate further... though I will note that almost every time we hear a story like this, the answer turns out to be that the store just hasn't ordered the products from their distributors.

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If you received an email that said "A package containing 3 items from Paizo Order #xxxxxxx is expected to ship from the Paizo warehouse by Friday, August 2 via {shipping method}, estimated x to x business days in transit," then your package has, in fact, been shipped. They don't send that email until the warehouse has printed the shipping label, and it will generally be picked up by the shipper that same day. They put the expected end of the shipping window on there just as boilerplate and because there have been instances when the shipper hasn't picked up the boxes the same day they're packed (usually when the warehouse is working on a weekend or late hours).

I'm not sure what you mean about getting a product at regular price that should have been on sale. You got your 30% off when you paid for the damaged shipment, and this is a free replacement that you're not paying for, right?

Customer Service Representative

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Hello Val'byrn2,

I'm sorry that our replacement process did not seem to be up to your expectations. It appears that the day of your post was the day that your subscription items, including the replacement, shipped. Hopefully if they have not already arrived, it should be very soon.

I am also somewhat confused about some of the specifics of your concerns, such as the discount versus regular price issue. The order indicates that you were charged discounted prices on all your APs. If you have any ongoing concerns we can address, please let us know. Thank you!

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