two weapon fighting mead help

Rules Questions

confused on 2 weapon fighting mechanics, since most characters don't get a second attack until a certain level, does two weapon fighting allow you to attack twice before that just at significant penalty?

Yes. Two-weapon-fighting as an action is in addition to any attacks granted by iterative attacks.

As in, when you have BAB +5, you only normally get one attack. Using TWF, you would get two attacks, both with penalties. When you have BAB +6, you would get two normal attacks (at +6 and +1). Adding TWF, you get one* extra attack for a total of three, and they all take the TWF penalties.

*As you progress up the TFW feat chain, you can gain additional "off-hand" attacks, and those feats require BAB such that they basically follow in step with your normal attacks; each feat granting one more off-hand attack but requiring BAB that would grant one more normal attack first.

The Exchange

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"two weapon fighting mead help"?

darn it!

the title of this thread lured me in hoping to see some advice on weaponizing potable liquids...

Dwarven fighting Lagers, Balanced Throwing Beer Steins (crafted in Special Materials - for overcoming DR/pewter), Orcish combat jugs, Andoran long stemmed dueling flutes (glasses), - that sort of thing.

Maybe some feats I might have over looked, or some obscure equipment from some Splat Book I might not (yet) own...


Ah well, moving on now...

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Toxic "Slag" Madhammer wrote:

"two weapon fighting mead help"?

darn it!

the title of this thread lured me in hoping to see some advice on weaponizing potable liquids...

Dwarven fighting beers, Balanced Throwing Beer Steins (crafted in Special Materials - for overcoming DR/pewter), Orcish combat jugs, Andoran long stemmed dueling flutes (glasses), etc. - that sort of thing.

Maybe some feats I might have over looked, or some obscure equipment from some Splat Book I might not (yet) own...


Ah well, moving on now...

if it makes you feel any better Cayden Cailean's Blade and Tankard divine fighting technique can be a mead based two weapon fighting method.

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