
Draxyx01's page

21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


confused on 2 weapon fighting mechanics, since most characters don't get a second attack until a certain level, does two weapon fighting allow you to attack twice before that just at significant penalty?

hey guys, I was wondering can a CH/G cleric worshiping a neutral deity choose to channel negative energy,or does the cleric have to be neutral aligned?

Hey guys hit a bit of a road block with multi clashing. Can you multi-class a core class with a hybrid class. For example, say I'm a druid and I decide to take a level in hunter, a hunter is a hybrid of the Ranger and druid. Is that possible?

JohnHawkins wrote:
Interestingly that information can be found by reading the class!

But in anti paladin it specifically states creatures. That is why I wanted to ask

What I want to know is, does the anti paladin cancel out what the paladin can do. Like immunity to fear

Ok guys, I have a serious question about anti paladins. How exactly do they work? I understand they are they opposite of paladins but what would happen if a paladin and anti paladin fought each other?

Thank you

Ok here is a question for you guys.

Is there any penalty to make a bow attack on someone who is 5 feet away and if so, is there a feat to decrease or bypass that penalty.

Thank you

OK, how exactly do wands work or more specifically what roll do you make to use a wand.
Also, would a sorcerer's bloodline arcana from the draconic bloodline apply to spells cast from a wand?

"Whenever you cast a spell with an energy descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline's energy type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled."

Hey guys, I have a question. Characters with the standard language option can choose from 7 other languages of they have a high intelligence score. Does adding points to the linguistics skill allow you to learn a language outside those 7?

So i have a question about the feat power strike. It states that for every 4 BAB, you take a -1 to melee attack rolls and a +2 to damage rolls. What if my BAB is 7.

Ok so checked back with my brother and my dad. His rogue took the scout archtype which his why he adds his sneak attack damage when he attacks. With this in mind, is he able to add a rogue talent to the attack even though it is not an actual sneak attack?

Ok, the dagger allows him to do sneak attack damage without making a sneak attack. With that in mind, is he able to apply rogue talents to the attack?

Dm's discretion or from d&d. My father is the GM and the module he is using he adapted it for pathfinders. Any ways when my brother does his sneak attack the enemy has to make a save or be paralyzed for 2-3 rounds

My brother got a dagger that allows him to add his sneak attack damage to his attack. Also reading the description of the talent most of them don't say damage, they only mention applying it to your sneak attack.

Ok so if a rogue has an ability or a weapon that allows him to apply sneak attack damage but its not a sneak attack can he still apply a rogue talent, or does it have to be a sneak attack to be able to apply it?

Is there a rogue talent that acts like paralyzing strike?

Ok, in the description for manyshot it states that the first attack fires 2 arrows. If you hit both arrows hit. However I am unclear on the next part. Apply precision based damage (such as sneak attack) and critical hit damage only once for this attack. What does this mean?

Ok I am new and haven't been able to find and exact answer, say I attack someone with a weapon w/the wounding SPA, could the bleed damage be stopped by stabilize. Though it states that it stops the target from loosing more hit points, it doesn't actually heal hit points.