How to Control Constructs?

Shattered Star

My party is currently running through Rise of the Runelords, but we're fixing to wrap up Runeforge in a session or two. I've already been giving them some info for Shattered Star and getting their minds going on generating Character ideas. One player is planning to build a Dwarf Alchemist [Trap Breaker and Construct Rider] with a Construct Roc companion (he hasn't decided yet if he'd like to make it Clockwork right off the bat, or do so later on).

I've read through most o fthe first half of Shattered Star and seen a lot of Construct enemies. Most of them are impossible to control, but there's the Clockwork Servant in Chapter 1 and there's a lot of Clockworks in The Hanging Manse, so I'm curious: how would the player go about collecting the active ones?

If my reading of the Clockwork subtype is correct, you can wind the key down if you succeed at the check while the Clockwork is still alive and kicking. So the player could spend the effort to pin a construct and then wind it's key down (I'd probably rule that each round they can wind down 1 day of use for the key). And my understanding is that the Clockwork will obey whoever winds it up, yes?

To be clear, I don't mind if he amasses a small army of constructs. They're fairly easy to kill off and they'll ruin most any attempt at stealth and a host of other logistics with handling them following the group around. I simply want to get a handle for how he'd go about doing it so that I actually have an answer ready when he finds his first Clockwork and asks me. :P

Our party snagged the Clockwork Servant, and the player keeping it has upgraded it. I see no rules text allowing a PC to take over a clockwork (or other construct) without the current controller's consent. That said, our GM houseruled the winder became the controller. It has provided some nice flavor, without unbalancing things.

For the player wanting to make a clockwork roc, you can use the Clockwork Construct Template to determine the stats and price/cost. Do note that this template is for creating a clockwork, not changing an existing construct into a clockwork. You cannot convert an existing construct into a clockwork, only make a new construct that is a clockwork.

You may find this interesting: Craftable Constructs Cheetsheet. The tab "Modifications" tells you a lot on where to find the rules and prices for assorted upgrades.

There is also a guide (with discussion) called:
Williamoaks construct crafter guide
How I learned to stop worrying and build an
army of mechanical slaves

Your PC might want to check out the Clockwork Songbird, as their supernatural ability can help out combat nicely.

The PC might also want to look into the Chirurgeon Cube (9,800 gp). It can give fastheal 2 to a construct for up to 10 minutes. That is 200 hp a day in repair.


For the record Cevah, the adventure text says the clockwork servant follows whoever winds it, attacking anyone who attacks the person its following, or itself”

So my guess is that this clockwork servant (named Tik-Tok in my and Cevah’s game) was created specifically to follow whoever winds it. Maybe to be some kind of tradeable servant or bodyguard

Also, in case it helps, I have allowedmy player to upgrade the clockwork servant by basically choosing another clockwork (a clockwork soldier in this case) and pay the crafting cost to improve the servant’s stats to the level of a soldier in bits and pieces. Now, at the start of book 5, Tik Tok is a full clockwork soldier with the horicalcum armor from Book 4, an adamantine pick, and the Commando template. He’s pretty cool

My GM also allowed the upgrade to soldier, and our Tick-Tock is outfitted with the same armor and pick. Seems twisted minds think alike. :-)

Recently, it got a crit on the BBEG, and at x4, scored a lot of damage. Especially with Hunter's Blessing (+2) and Inspiration (+3) in play.


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