Organized Play Vouchers and Subscriptions

Customer Service

Second Seekers (Roheas)

I would like some help in applying these to my planned subscription purchases for Starfinder.

If necessary, I would like to cancel my Starfinder Subscription, so I can re-up it with these vouchers applied.

Thank you.

Customer Service Representative

Hello eddv,

Unfortunately we are currently restricted by our voucher technology and the vouchers, even from our end, are only redeemable in the cart. We hope to allow more flexibility for the vouchers in the future.

It seems canceling and resubscribing with the vouchers may be the best I can currently do to help you out. I'll ask you to confirm this is what you'd like to do before I just go for it.

if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thank you!

Second Seekers (Roheas)

I have opted to make alternative purchases, but it would be appreciated if this option existed in the future.

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