Core Deck List

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

It's great to have the Deck list, but it's unhelpful if it doesn't tell you the amount for each card.
Which cards are supposed to have duplicates and how many? Anyone know? I think I'm missing some blessings.

It's a link to the list in the "Downloads" section of the product description:

The lists Jorsalheim linked to are complete lists with quantities. If you have all the cards separated by type you should find you have the following quantity of cards.

Most of the cards are unique to the set except the level 0 and level 1 blessings. You should have 5x each of the 4 level 0 blessings and 2x each of the 14 level 1 blessings. There should be 6 level 2 blessings and 20 level 3 blessings.

Character/role 24
Wildcard 2
Location 37
Scourge 7
Proxy 19
Story Bane 36
Monster 48
Barrier 35
Weapon 31
Spell 40
Armor 24
Item 33
Ally 30
Blessing 74
Total 440

To be precise, in both Core and CotCC, only some blessings have duplicates (all other cards are unique, with a caveat - see below).

In Core as stated above there are
5 different level 0 blessings with 4 copies of each (total 20 blessings)
14 different level 1 blessings with 2 copies of each (total 28 blessings)
6 unique level 2 blessings
20 unique level 3 blessings
For a grand total of 74 blessings

In CotCT there are
1 level 0 blessing with 8 copies (total 8 blessings)
54 unique level 1 blessings
1 unique level 4 blessing
For a grand total of 63 blessings... plus one promo level 1 one if you have it

Now this said Vic seems to have allowed something strange (I remember seeing some debate about that long time ago in the forums - Hawk would know where), i. e. having the same name for a card that does different things in the two sets. Pre-Core this was pretty much limited to Character cards or just to the "scenario level" of some boons (due to class decks constraints).

I have two examples but maybe I missed others:

Is a Monster 3 in Core and a monster 2 in CotCT

Is a Monster 2 in Core and a monster 4 in CotCT

Frencois wrote:

5 different level 0 blessings with 4 copies of each (total 20

Just a small correction to what you said. There are 4 different level 0 blessings with 5 copies each still totaling 20

Frencois wrote:
Now this said Vic seems to have allowed something strange (I remember seeing some debate about that long time ago in the forums - Hawk would know where), i. e. having the same name for a card that does different things in the two sets. Pre-Core this was pretty much limited to Character cards or just to the "scenario level" of some boons (due to class decks constraints).

Just as an aside, there were other pre-Core cards with the same name, same type and different effects. The best example I can think of is Dreamcatcher, which is a completely different item in Occult Adventures 1 Character Deck and the Witch Class Deck despite sharing an identical name.

I feel like there may have been another somewhere. There's certainly cards of different card types with identical names, anyway - notably some Cohorts and Allies, like Daji and Leryn.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Frencois wrote:

To be precise, in both Core and CotCC, only some blessings have duplicates (all other cards are unique, with a caveat - see below).

In Core as stated above there are
5 different level 0 blessings with 4 copies of each (total 20 blessings)
14 different level 1 blessings with 2 copies of each (total 28 blessings)
6 unique level 2 blessings
20 unique level 3 blessings
For a grand total of 74 blessings

In CotCT there are
1 level 0 blessing with 8 copies (total 8 blessings)
54 unique level 1 blessings
1 unique level 4 blessing
For a grand total of 63 blessings... plus one promo level 1 one if you have it

Now this said Vic seems to have allowed something strange (I remember seeing some debate about that long time ago in the forums - Hawk would know where), i. e. having the same name for a card that does different things in the two sets. Pre-Core this was pretty much limited to Character cards or just to the "scenario level" of some boons (due to class decks constraints).

I have two examples but maybe I missed others:

Is a Monster 3 in Core and a monster 2 in CotCT

Is a Monster 2 in Core and a monster 4 in CotCT

For being the first one to post about the duplicated monsters, you get... a headache!

Er, sorry, I mean a cookie. :-D

Thanks, you guys fully deserve some part of that cookie.

Lone Shark Games

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If you've played Apocrypha, you know that we pulled the "same name, same art, different powers" trick a lot. That's because each chapter of Apocrypha has different mechanics, and we want the cards in each set to respond to its set's mechanics.

For example, the card Paper People in the Candlepoint (e.g., the Base set) chapter's powers are:
* Confront: [All saints] Cannot play Strike gifts.
* Lose: Shuffle the top card of the clock into your nexus.

But the card Paper People in the Fae chapter has the no-Strike gifts power, but replaces the last power with:
* Initiate: Toss this threat into the air. The saint it lands nearest to confronts it instead, ignoring this power.

That's because the Fae chapter is where those carnival games powers are, and we wouldn't want the Paper People to be left out of that fun. But in the Base set, that power would make no sense. (Nothing in the Fae chapter makes sense. Guess which Shark wrote it?)

So, after that experience, it wasn't reasonable for us to hold the line in PACG on this subject any more. If there's a Gargoyle in Curse, it should be the Gargoyle it needs to be.

But if you are playing Curse, you're adding in the Core cards as well, right? So there will still be 2 different Basilisks in a level 3 Curse Adventure, and 2 different Gargoyles in a level 4 Curse Adventure.

And finally, I downloaded the Deck List, not the Card List, that's why I didn't have quantities.
Thanks all.

Lone Shark Games

PinkRose wrote:
But if you are playing Curse, you're adding in the Core cards as well, right? So there will still be 2 different Basilisks in a level 3 Curse Adventure, and 2 different Gargoyles in a level 4 Curse Adventure.

Correct. Nothing should stop you from enjoying this, except for the fact that they are Basilisks and Gargoyles.

Calling dibs on the bragging right if my defeated Gargoyle is prettier than yours.

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