Absalom Station: The Spike

Starfinder Society

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I posted a version of this over in the Starfinder forum, where it promptly died a red shirt's death, but maybe over here, where Absalom Station plays a much more central role, some folks will have thoughts.

At any rate:

Has anyone put any thought into the geography of the Spike? At least, where the various neighborhoods (Botscrap, Conduit/Pipetown, Downlow, and Sparks) are in relation to each other? I ask because in SFS we have a number of scenarios that take place in full or in part in the Spike, including one where the exact time needed to move between the Lorespire Complex and a specific location in Sparks is important.

So far, it seems like we have a dribbling of details (the Spike consists of hundreds of levels, the Ghost Levels are apparently concentrated in the bottom half, which then suggests (since Level 41 is inhabited) that the levels count from the Ring down to the gravity generators at the tip, etc.), but personally I could really make do with a side-view map of Absalom Station.

So, anyone know of any obscure data drops about the Spike, or have any headcanon?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If anyone wants my own headcanon:

It seems to me that Sparks is located at the "base" of the Spike, cradling the Starstone Reactor close to the heart of Absalom Station. While Sparks may extend downward at the core of the Spike, around the reactor it also expands to the Spike's exterior to incorporate starship drydocks.

(Of all the Spike districts, Sparks also has the highest security and seems to rub elbows with the wealthy most often.)

Below Sparks, we head into Downlow, the middle-class district that's been "gentrified" from the slums of the lower districts. Wealthier folks from the Eye and the Ring still come down here, even as they turn up their nose, but security grows thin.

Finally we head into Botscrap and Conduit, which could be arranged any which way; both have problems with creatures creeping up from the Ghost Levels, both are neglected industrial slums, etc. One could easily make the case that Botscrap could sit above Conduit, or vice versa, or that they could be entwined around each other in a 3-dimensional maze. Dunno!

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Level 21 is the domain of the Level 21 Crew ^_^

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Level 21, right! Meant to say that, not 41.

3/5 5/55/5

I would put the doenlow first, as it's described as the "largest and safest" neighborhood. Since all depictions of the spike show it getting narrower as it goes, and it's described as generally getting less safe the further you get, the top floor of the spike makes sense. I also don't see wealthy people traveling through more dangerous, less appealing neighborhoods to get yo the downlow, especially since they don't really like going there in the first place.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

I set "Ollie's Option Bar" (my Wayfinder 19 entry describing option bars) in the Spike. I like the Spike because it has so much adventure potential. In Dead Suns, my campaign mode group spent a lot of time down there.


5/5 5/55/55/5

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John Mangrum wrote:
Level 21, right! Meant to say that, not 41.

Sir we've combed the entirety of level 41 and can't find any sign of the level 21 crew

Sneaky bastards.....

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/55/55/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Illinois—Fairview Heights

3 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
John Mangrum wrote:
Level 21, right! Meant to say that, not 41.

Sir we've combed the entirety of level 41 and can't find any sign of the level 21 crew

Sneaky bastards.....

I literally just sprayed Mountain Dew laughing at this in a restaurant. Now people are looking at me like there’s something wrong with me. I’m also wearing a Starfinder shirt.

Thanks for the laugh and the story I can laugh about BNW!

Thanks for the thread. I am new to Society (first post, actually...)but I would love to see more detailed info on the geography of the Spike. That's where my first toon grew up...and it is difficult to get a good background not being able to more clearly visualize the area. I also think it is a wonderful area to set several adventures.

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I found this post while doing research for my homebrew campaign I plan on running when my group finishes Dead Suns. Hopefully we get more info as the Spike seems underutilized.

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