PDXCerealKilla's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I found this post while doing research for my homebrew campaign I plan on running when my group finishes Dead Suns. Hopefully we get more info as the Spike seems underutilized.

So I am running a game with 4 level 3 characters. What is a good challenge rating to have them face? I'm mainly concerned about a single big bad, a couple random encounters and a few groups of 3 monsters. Any help is greatly appreciated!

So I have been streaming Starfinder on Twitch about every other Thursday for a month now. I haven't posted it here yet because it being a new system, me being a new GM, as well as being new to streaming in general I haven't been trying to get it out there very much. That being said we are going to be on our third stream and I feel like we have gotten a much better grasp of the rules and set up our gear. I have a 32" monitor on the table underneath a sheet of glass for the players and display maps through maptools, I have an Akai APC Mini hooked up to Ableton for running sound effects and music. I have Philips Hue lightbulbs I plan to incorporate (think alerts laser blasts ect). We have 4 microphones hooked up to a 10 channel mixer board. I run the stream from my gaming laptop with a camera pointed at the group and a small one of me the gm. The mics are hooked into the mixer with the sounds ran from Ableton on my Surface Tablet also going into the mixer. All the production is done live we plan to release podcasts and Youtube videos as well but the production is still live. We really don't interact with the stream very much besides me in chat, my first and foremost goal is to entertain the people in the room. My second goal is to entertain and hopefully educate the audience. Starfinder is a new system and we are all learning together so if I can help someone discover something new or they can help me then I am doing something right. It’s a homebrew campaign and this week is the Halloween themed episode so I plan on putting my pcs through an "Alien" type of scenario. Anyone wants to drop in I'd love any kind of feedback!

Hope to see you! Our Twitch Page.

I have never played Pathfinder but from reading the Starfinder CRB it seems very different.

Can someone give me a little clarification on how Crits work RAW? I'm confused about the exact time a crit happens as well as what the crit listing for weapons in the items table is for.

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I plan on doing something where a PC finds a super powerful magic weapon but when he uses it he teleports to a piece of another realm stuck in the drift. He returns 1-3 rounds later but has aged the amount of years equal to the amount of rounds he was gone. He returns with no memory of the encounters in the drift. I feel like that could be a good narrative jump off for drift encounters down the line.

bookrat wrote:

Just make one up. NPCs don't have to follow the same rules as PCs.

Or just make an attack that requires a saving throw or be thrown X feet and the PC takes damage if they hit something other than the floor. Say a d6 per APL, and if it hits another creature, that creature has to make a reflex save or take half damage.

Then you can roll a d8 for direction and a d10 (x5) for distance.

I like that, thanks!

Nickela wrote:

Woof. That was a doozy. Getting arrays to link and also making it look nice on the sheet was tough. I learned how to use a new function!

Try to break it now. Let me know what else I need to fix.

I for one just want to say thanks for the work and am going to keep an eye out for all your future spreadsheets.

What CM would throw the character around?

Awesome this will help a lot. Do you think tier two ships are too good for level one pc's?

So I am working on my first campaign as GM. I am trying to create a NPC who can throw the PC's around, literally. I'm thinking of a Luke Cage type of character that throws PC's into walls, each other, off things ect. Is there any written rules or feats I should be looking into or should I just Rule of Cool it and improvise some saving throws or something?