I'm looking for the max range of bow vs crossbow

Rules Questions

So I went looking for the rules on how to determine the max effective distance for bow vs crossbow and I'm having trouble finding it. Can anyone either cite it or drop me a link please?

I was thinking it was 15 "units" for bow and 10 for crossbow, but I don't recall and cant seem to find it at the moment.

It's 10 for both.

Range: Any attack at more than this distance is penalized for range. Beyond this range, the attack takes a cumulative –2 penalty for each full range increment (or fraction thereof) of distance to the target. For example, a dagger (with a range of 10 feet) thrown at a target that is 25 feet away would incur a –4 penalty. A thrown weapon has a maximum range of five range increments. A projectile weapon can shoot to 10 range increments.

Thank you kind sir!

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Get a Distance Composite Longbow and use Distance Arrows for 230' increment. Max distance of 2300' at -18 BAB.
Get a Distance Heavy Crossbow for 240' increment. Max distance of 2400' at -18 BAB.
In either case, use the feat Far Shot to reduce the penalties. Change the -18 to -9 BAB.
You can use the feat Acute Shot to reduce the penalty by shifting it to the damage.
If you are a warpriest with Zephyr’s Gift, you can eliminate the penalty.


Adding the Roving Range combat trait to your Warpriest with a Distance Heavy Crossbow for a 250' increment. Max 2500'...

I'm sure there are more tricks like magical scopes or goggles to increase the range increment.

Scarab Sages

Cevah wrote:

Get a Distance Composite Longbow and use Distance Arrows for 230' increment. Max distance of 2300' at -18 BAB.

Get a Distance Heavy Crossbow for 240' increment. Max distance of 2400' at -18 BAB.
In either case, use the feat Far Shot to reduce the penalties. Change the -18 to -9 BAB.
You can use the feat Acute Shot to reduce the penalty by shifting it to the damage.
If you are a warpriest with Zephyr’s Gift, you can eliminate the penalty.


Point of order - range increments do not apply BAB penalties. They apply ranged attack penalties.

Just for reference, since someone already suggested something. At lv 12:

If you are looking for max absolute range for a comp. longbow, the answer is aprox: 3.5k to 4k ft.

It involves levels of Archer Fighter, Zen Archer Monk, Distance property, flight arrows, Roving Range, and possibly some spell/another weapon enchantment.

A crossbow would have aprox: 2.9k ft. Assuming Archer Fighter and Zen Archer, dont work; and that you have flight crossbow bolts.

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