I just saw this and was going to purchase the $100, print, pdf and slipcase for the campaign and companion guide. However it is $999.00 to ship it??? to New York, USA???
Is this for real, or is it a rather large error.
-- david
Hello Papa-DBR,
The shipping for some regions is still being worked out and the $999 is a placeholder number. As soon as that is resolved it will show you a correct shipping rate (keep in mind that Game On charges right away, so I would recommend holding off until the shipping rates are resolved).
Thanks Diego. I certainly will hold off. Don't need an almost $1100 charge to my credit card. While it would go thru, but my wife would kill me.
-- david
Ok, next question, now that the shipping costs are ok.
How do I pay for it. It seems to be going thru something named "Stripe", and when it comes to pay for it the credit card is not mine (or a very old one that I no longer have).
-- david
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Stripe is just a payment processor. I'd look for some link or icon to update your payment method. If you have had recurring payments with Game on Tabletop in the past, they might have saved your old card.
I have never used Stripe and have never used Game on Tabletop, nor have I every created an account on either. So where they are getting this credit card number is beyond my understanding.
So I created an account on both. Cannot find any where on Game on Tabletop to change the credit card, and Stripe is for business only.
-- david
Hello David,
If you have not yet contacted Game On support, I think this may be a circumstance to do so. While we are handing much to do with our project, pledges and tiers, this issue as you've explained it seems to involve the actual interface on Game On. Unfortunately I am not a master of Game On's system or Stripe, and don't have the answers for what is going on with what you're describing.
Anything that they expect us to handle has been passed along to us, so it can't hurt to send them a request for assistance and see if they can help you navigate the payment system they have.
Thanks Sam,
I used their "contact us" button and sent them an email. Hope they can get this resolved before the end date. I would really like this.
-- david
To close this out; it took lots of emails back and forth, but I was finally able to change the credit card to my current one and the order went thru.
Thanks for all the help Sam,
-- david
Hello David,
Great! I'm glad you were able to work it out.
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