Drone Hacking DC

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

What is the tier/dc of a mechanics drone (as far as hacking)? Been scouring for the knowledge.
So with the RAW/RAI that are able to hack it (the drone mod giving. Hacking dc +4) are we able to for sfs say there is a dc...or that is impossible?

Near as I can see, you can't. Drones are technological constructs, whereas hacking is strictly computers and computer systems. That makes the first half of the Hardened AI drone mod worthless though...

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Technomancer Spell Control Machines? That's about it AFAIK by RAW

NightTrace wrote:
The Technomancer Spell Control Machines? That's about it AFAIK by RAW

that and a mechanic's override, but neither of those are an actual computers check, are they? I still don't see where the -4 to computers from hardened AI would even kick in...


You are correct in that it isn't officially declared anywhere. The sensible DC would be level and ability based so..
10 + 1/2 mechanic level + Int modifier + 4 (from hardened AI) = Hack DC

Thing is, hacking without the wireless hack ability requires a hard connection. So it would be very sqiffy to do in combat.

Control Machines doesn't hack, it requires the 'machine' to make a will save.


Best place to find out would be to ask in the Rules Questions Forum, which is Step 1 in getting an official clarification or FAQ, and then ask your GMs before a game begins if this is something that matters to your character's build.

I can't recall a scenario where an NPC's tactics include wirelessly hacking a Drone, so unless you plan on doing it to others I don't think it will come up much.

Scarab Sages

The rules forum has the same question unanswered from a year ago...

Starfinder Superscriber
Smegmaz wrote:
The rules forum has the same question unanswered from a year ago...

There's dozens of critical rules questions that have been sitting on those forums for over a year. Many date back to Aug/Sept 2017 like can a mechanic's drone (with the appropriate skill module) participate in starship combat.

At some point in the future they developers will likely go over that forum, look for the ones voted as FAQ candidates, and update the FAQ to include them. Until then your table GM can make the call, and hopefully the GMs in your area can reach a consensus on the matters that impact your PC.


Smegmaz wrote:
The rules forum has the same question unanswered from a year ago...

That doesn't detract from what I said.

Pathfinder had unanswered questions for nearly a decade, and PFS had the same policy:

The Rules forum is the best place to get a clarification about a vague rule. Remember that if you're aiming for an FAQ, it's helpful to present a concise, well-worded question; it's harder for a developer or designer to know quite what to answer if there are lots of facets to your FAQ-ed post.

Rules Questions don't get answered in this Forum.

The Organized Play Team Developers have a different job from the Rules Team Designers. The former write the script for the stories we love so much while the latter provide the mechanical framework for those stories.


You are correct in that it isn't officially declared anywhere. The sensible DC would be level and ability based so..
10 + 1/2 mechanic level + Int modifier + 4 (from hardened AI) = Hack DC

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The sensible answer is that it can't be done. Standalone computers that are equipment can be hacked, "computers" incorporated into creatures/drones cannot.


There you go. Either it can't be done, or it is the sensible class feature DC. You get to choose.

Customer Service Representative

Moved to Starfinder Rules Questions.


Oops! Forgive me, I did not address the potential tier of the drone if it was to be hacked. The answer is 1/2 mechanic level (rounded down). This, tier, information would be relevant to know how long it would take to be hacked.

Just for Xenocrat - This is all under the assumption that you (the GM) have decided to allow drones to be hacked.

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