Draconic sidekick boon from porten's peril = pseudodragon familar for bard?

Pathfinder Society

Scenario #:
8-01(Portent's Peril)
has a

"You may take a pseudodragon as a familiar with the improved familiar feat as long as you are a spellcaster of at least 5th level(rather than 7th)."

Does this allow a spellcaster without an ability to gain a familiar to get one, or just get one early if the spellcaster already can have a familiar.

The Exchange 5/5

here ya go... a link to my thread where I asked much the same thing.


I actually dipped a level of Sorcerer to pull it off - but I think Sparky (pseudodragon) was well worth it. Lots of R.P. at the table, even if maybe I'm not as optimized a PC as I could be.

The Exchange 5/5

can you re-train to pick up the Duettist Bard Archetype? that would give you a Familiar as a bard... I couldn't because I was already a Flame Dancer, which can't combine with Duetist.

Fire Dancer wrote:

here ya go... a link to my thread where I asked much the same thing.


I actually dipped a level of Sorcerer to pull it off - but I think Sparky (pseudodragon) was well worth it. Lots of R.P. at the table, even if maybe I'm not as optimized a PC as I could be.

That is a long thread... What was concluded about MY question?? Does the boon grant access to a familiar?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

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The boon only adds an option (early psuedodragon access) to those provided by Improved Familiar; Therefore, it only grants access if the character normally has the ability to have a familiar.

The Exchange 5/5

Meager Rolmug wrote:
Fire Dancer wrote:

here ya go... a link to my thread where I asked much the same thing.


I actually dipped a level of Sorcerer to pull it off - but I think Sparky (pseudodragon) was well worth it. Lots of R.P. at the table, even if maybe I'm not as optimized a PC as I could be.

That is a long thread... What was concluded about MY question?? Does the boon grant access to a familiar?

the assumption in the other thread - which went unchallenged - was that in order to use the boon (which grants early access to a special familiar) the PC had to have something that granted a Familiar in the first place.

The "special" part of the boon was giving access EARLIER than normal.

edit: drat! ninja'd by 18 seconds! lol...


Exact boon text:
Draconic Sidekick: You returned several stolen pseudodragon eggs to their clutch. Now, the pseudodragons of the Frisky Unicorn have selected you as the traveling companion and mentor for one of their hatchlings. The young pseudodragon has not yet chosen her name, and she allows you to help her decide. As long as you do not mistreat your new ally and your alignment does not become evil at any time, she agrees to travel with you. You may use this boon in one of two ways. First, you may take a pseudodragon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 229) as a familiar with the Improved Familiar feat as long as you are a spellcaster of at least 5th level (rather than 7th). This pseudodragon’s sting counts as silver for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction.

Alternatively. you may cross this boon off your chronicle sheet to gain a pseudodragon that follows you loyally for one adventure. Its sting also bypasses DR/silver, as the pseudodragon familiar. This pseudodragon allows you to bypass the normal limit of one combat creature per player per scenario.

I read that as you must have 5 levels in a spell casting class with the familiar class feature and the improved familiar feat to get the Pseudodragon. Additionally, you must keep taking levels in that class to have it level up with you as per the familiar level/hit dice advancement table. So the only advantage to this boon is getting the Pseudodragon 2 levels early, and its tail sting counting as silver. The boon isn't giving you a free scaling improved familiar pet.

If you are a Bard, and want this creature as a familiar, I suggest looking into archetypes that grant you a familiar, and then take the Improved Familiar feat.

Thanks Everyone.

Customer Service Representative

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Just threw some spoiler tags into the original post.

House of the Green Mother's Pupil

Beneft: You studied at Anuli’s center for druidic magic long enough to begin bonding with a familiar. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Handle Animal checks. You may substitute this trait for Iron Will as the prerequisite for the Familiar Bond feat (Pathfinder Player Companion: Familiar Folio).

This saves you a feat and lets you grab an Improved Familiar sooner.

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