Suli in Dawn of Flame with Darkvision?

Dawn of Flame

In Dawn of Flame book 2 we have the new race Suli. One of it's abilities is
Darkvision: Sulis have low-light vision.

Is it Darkvision or Low-light Vision?

If only I could FAQ this...

I'm just posting to draw attention.

Starfinder Superscriber

The Pathfinder version has Darkvision, so likely the SF version should be Darkvision too.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The Pathfinder version has low light.

In the graft it says low light vision, but dark vision isn't really a game breaker so unless you hear something official I'd go with what you want.

It would be nice to get an official clarification, though. I assume somebody from Paizo will chime in eventually...


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Sulis have low-light vision. The racial trait sidebar inline header is an error.

Grand Lodge

A better question in my mind was why sulis alone of the elemental planar scions got stuck with low-light vision in Pathfinder, while their ifrit, undine, sylph and oread brethren got darkvision. That never made sense to me.


I think it's a trade off for getting the elemental strike or whatever it's called.

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