[D20PRO / Discord] Need Players for Online Shattered Star Campaign

Gamer Connection

Grand Lodge

I've started running the Shattered Star AP for an online group of three players. We need an additional player or two to round out the group.

The party currently consists of the following:

male human spiritualist
male human swashbuckler
male elf wizard

The party could use a martial front-liner (or two).

We are playing Thursday evenings from 8:00-10:00 PM US Central Daylight Time. We use D20PRO as our virtual table top and Discord for voice chat.

If you are interested in joining this campaign, please post a reply to this thread or send me a private message.

GM Budman

Hey Budman, I sent you a private message. I would be interested in joining.

Grand Lodge

As an update, recruitment for this game is on hold. We currently have four active players as well as a fifth who is expected to start playing in the next several weeks.

GM Budman


Long time, no see. Glad to see that you're still gaming and have found a group.

If this recruitment ever comes off of hold, and you're still looking for a front-line, let me know. I've got a 3pp (armiger) that I want to run by you. While an Armiger can't really dish it out, they can soak up a ton of damage. They're basically the ultimate bodyguard.

Game on.

- UlrichVonLichtenstein

EDIT: Ah, just realized, you guys play Thursdays. I've got off Fri-Sun, so I wouldn't be able to join you, unfortunately. Ah, well. Happy gaming.

Grand Lodge

UlrichVonLichtenstein wrote:


Long time, no see. Glad to see that you're still gaming and have found a group.

Hi, Ulrich.

Unfortunately, the Thursday evening game wasn't working out for everyone and we ended it back in late April. I'm not currently running a home game.

Is there anything in particular that you envision your armiger playing in? Maybe we could try to get something going.


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