Sajan Gadadvara

DexterLecter's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


My friends and I are trying to find a DM who uses one of the virtual tables top softwares to run either Hells Vengencr or Strange Aeons AP. Time and day are flexible.

Hey Budman, I sent you a private message. I would be interested in joining.

I'm currently a level 6 Tiefling witch. I've bought a headband of vast intelligence +2 earlier and now I've saved up to around 6000 gold. What items would you recommend I buy? Even if I can't currently afford them.

I've seen things like Cackling Hag’s Blouse or Corset of Dire Witchcraft. Anything that might be a bit obscure or you'd say I absolutely need?

The saves against my hex's is 19 so I'm just basically putting everyone to sleep using Slumber and honestly feel a bit overpowered. Which is why I'm not saving to upgrade to a +4 headband

On the Headband of Vast Intelligence. It says to treat the +2 intelligence bonus as a temporary bonus for the first 24 hours. Does this mean after 24 hours I can remove the headband and still have the +2 bonus?

"By spending 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action, a monk can make one additional unarmed strike at his highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack."

Can I spend 3 points in one round to get 5 total attacks? This just seems kind of overpowered. If I have +6 to damage each hit would get 1d8+6 then right? So I could do a maximum of 70 damage in one turn at level 4? I just feel like that can't be right.

It's just a normal composite bow with +4 so she can use her strength to damage. It's only 500g. It's only to damage not hit.

It's not just the archer fighter that's the issue, I just used her as an example of how much damage one PC was doing. Talking to all them and seeing how they feel and adjusting accordingly seems like the right call.

Yeah, I'll try some slight buffs. It's just the balance that I'm worried about. I don't want all the fights taking forever either. Thanks.

The group I'm DMing currently consists of an Antipaladin, Barbarian, Witch and Archer Fighter. They're level 4 and the Archer Fighter with Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot and a Composite Longbow +4 can do max damage of 32 by herself. She's able to just about one shot most of these creatures with their default HP in the AP book.

Should I be buffing the HP, AC or both of the creatures and by how much? It just seems crazy how fast they're killing everything. Even most of the important fights end in a couple rounds and seem kinda anticlimatic. Is this a issue a lot of groups have?

Yeah, I don't know why I said it like that. I meant they thought it was a haunt even though it wasn't lol.

My players don't seem to be very good at solving the haunts. They didn't think of the mirror for the door and couldn't figure out how to fix the woman who puts them to sleep when they go near her. They eventually stopped the woman from bleeding after a little hint but I can't figure out ways to write that in every time. How would you guys have handled the first two?

Just need to confirm I have everything correct when it comes to these attacks.

I have an 18 strength so my modifier is 4. I use a greatsword and power attack with furious focus.

So I swing with my greatsword and get a +5 to hit for 2d6+6 because I'm two handing it. But the power attack adds 3 dmg cause I'm using a two handed weapon right? So it would be 2d6+9 with power attack?

I also have a bite attack as a secondary attack. So during a full attack action my Secondary attack get -5 to hit and only uses half my modifier right? So it would be +0 1d4+2 right?


I'm wondering what the release date for the Hell's Vengeance Pawn Collection is going to be. On this site it says Pre Order October but on Amazon it says November 29th.

Does that mean if you pre order it you get it early or is the date on one of the sites incorrect?

I've never played a witch before or really any spellcaster. Does Spell Focus work on a witch hex? Which school of magic are hexs considered if it does work?

SwnyNerdgasm wrote:
When running an AP I usually just go for the "Core+3" rule when it comes to playable races, anything else the player has to run it by me first. Though due to personal tastes any humanoid animal race (ie. Kitsune) will very rarely, if ever, get an ok from me.

Please explain this mindset. I truly don't understand it. Why are humaoid animal races bad? Playing as a fox person just sounds awesome. Why is it so bad that people play as them? GM's that lock out so many potential races and archtypes just seem overly controlling and restrictive.

Are there any adventure paths that encourage playing as an uncommon race? I find playing as the core races so boring by this point. I've made custom races and stuff before for homebrew stuff ,(unicorn bard) but I want to know if any offical pathfinder campaigns encourage it.

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It's just hilarious to me that a half orc or human could look at a goblin, elf and a gnome sitting next to each other and go "yeah, that's normal." but replace one with a Vanara and they go "GET OUT, GET OUT! WHAT WHAT ARE YOU?!" It just makes everyone seem really stupid. Like why is a monkey person weirder than literally everything else you see every moment of your life?

Ravingdork wrote:
Are there any precedents for such reactions in any of the Paizo literature? Off-hand, I know Ustalov would likely run a member of the more exotic races out of their towns, thinking it a demon, ghost, or some other monster.

I don't care if there is slight social friction. What I hate is DM's not allowing the races to be played in the first place. Limiting things like that just doesn't make sense to me.

I guess it depends what town you're in. But the idea of making everyone racist towards things like Sulis, Gillmen or even Grippli just seems so constricting and pointless.

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Ravingdork wrote:
DexterLecter wrote:
I just don't get it. As long as the character fits what you want stat wise it shouldn't matter what race it is or anything. If it's what you want then just play it. If it's Kitsune or Nagaji then NPC's might look at you weird but it shouldn't really effect the game in any meaningful way.

Um...if it doesn't have any really meaningful effect, then what the heck is the point of playing an exotic race in the first place?

Exotic races SHOULD be stared at in awe by NPCs, or shunned, or whatever. To do otherwise not only undermines the exotic nature of such races, but also destroys any potential for immersion for many players.

I don't see why that would be an issue. Why would it matter if NPC's look at your strangely?

And also that's assuming everyone in the world you've created is incredibly racist. These NPC's live in worlds inhabited by dragons, everyone knows about goblins and how creepy they look, a place where people can shoot fire out of there hands. I think seeing a foxman or a guy who kind of looks like a lizard wouldn't really shake up anyones day.

I'm just saying if I live in a world like this and a damn Drider walked into my shop asking if I sold potions of enlarge person I probably would just think "huh guess those exist too..." then show them my supply.

Alex Smith 908 wrote:
DexterLecter wrote:
Races: Any uncommon race. So many DM's just shoot down the idea of playing as one of them. I know they're supposed to be rare but it almost seems like they're insulted at the idea of being something other than the core races. I just think it's so close minded.
I have something of a love hate relationship with uncommon races. I love it when a player pitches me a weird character concept, but I also see a lot of uncommon races just used as sort of window dressing without any concern for how they would actually be you know different than humans. Like if someone came to me with a dragonborn and intended to play it like a Glorantha dragonnewt or even just dive really far into how being literally can made by a deity (Bahamut) affect you then I'd be down. Unfortunately you run into a lot of players who just treat them like races in Eastern MMO RPGS. "Well I basically just wanted to play someone who looks like a sexy lady with little bits of dragon themed cosplay on. Is there a race for that?"

I just don't get it. As long as the character fits what you want stat wise it shouldn't matter what race it is or anything. If it's what you want then just play it. If it's Kitsune or Nagaji then NPC's might look at you weird but it shouldn't really effect the game in any meaningful way.

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Races: Any uncommon race. So many DM's just shoot down the idea of playing as one of them. I know they're supposed to be rare but it almost seems like they're insulted at the idea of being something other than the core races. I just think it's so close minded.

Evil Character: I love playing evil campaigns. It just opens up a lot more possibilities you don't get to do as often. But again, DM's just act like it's idiotic to do it.

With the trait Heavy Hitter; it says "regional". Which region in the game world does my character have to be from in order to get this trait?

Also is it possible to learn a language by studying books instead of putting points into linguistics?

Yes that works for me.

Well I might have a friend who is interested in joining if we need an extra player.

How many people do you want in your session? 8:00-10:30 eastern works for me too.

I'd be down for anything if you have homebrew stuff already set up. I haven't played at least half of the adventure paths and those are always pretty good although they're pretty long and you need the books/PDFs.

I'm on the east coast, so it would be Wednesday 7pm-10pm for me right? I could do that. I've only ever played in person and haven't used the online software but I'm down to try it.

I know this is a long shot but one of our members had to move unexpectedly and now we are short one member. Anyone on this board live in south Florida (Treasure coast area) and willing to do one night a week? PC not DM.

My group has always played original campaigns written by our GM and never any of the Adventure Path ones. We are starting Skulls and Shackles as something new and I'm wondering how long each of these campaigns takes to finish usually? My group usually plays 5-6 hours once a week.

Looking for a Pathfinder group to play with in Florida. I live on the treasure coast but would be willing to drive a reasonable distance to play.

I'm also open to playing online, I don't have any experience doing this but I can't imagine it would be hard for me to pick it up.

I've been really itching to play after my last could no longer continue. I'm available most days to play.

I'm going to make a Unchained Monk and trying to decide between these two races. Oread or Vanara.

Oread give +1 natural armor +2 strength/Wisdom -2 Charisma but are slow at 20 feet.

Vanara give +2 Dexterity/Wisdom -2 Charisma and get to move 30 feet and climb 20 feet. They also have the tail ability.

I've read strength is the most important monk stat and the +1 natural armor seems great but the slow speed is the opposite of what monks are trying to do.

Which would you recommend?

It's okay. I think doing the Belier's Bite with Cruelty is the best option. Then doing snapping turtle or weapon focus later depending on what I'm struggling with.

Leandro Garvel wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:

Are you making a CRB monk or an Unchained Monk? If unchained I'd say neither and take Weapon Focus. If CRB you don't qualify for it at first level because of BAB.

While Belier's Bite is incredibly powerful at first level, it does fall back in usefulness as you level up. However the ability to easily inflict bleed damage has some great synergy (especially if you are a Kuthite), and at low level 1d4 bleed damage is a death sentence to just about everything you'll face except undead.

I'd take it over snapping turtle.

I would definitely take the Belier's Bite feat first if I had the Cruelty trait - that's excellent synergy, especially with the Core Monk!

Any downside to worshiping a evil deity though? haha

GM 1990 wrote:
Since Unchained gets a bonus feat at 2d, you could take Snapping or Power Attack at 1st and the other at 2d and not really go wrong.

You can't pick those feats as the bonus ones, you can only take the ones from the list they give you.

I'm reading about the unchained monk now, it just seems better in almost every way. Are their any benefits to playing the CRB?

I'm making a monk and trying to decide between two starting feats.

Bleeding Attack


Snapping Turtle Style le

My wisdom modifier is going to be 4, plus the fact I'm going to be a Oread with 1 natural armor makes me feel like my AC should be good enough to deal without the 1 Shield Bonus. Plus 1d4 extra dmg every hit seems great. But I'm just wondering from people who have experience with Monks.

Also taking the Heavy Hitter trait

But I'm open to other ideas for ones I might have missed. Taking the adopted trait and using Humans would allow me to take both feats, but again 1 extra dmg forever seems good.


Well I'm a monk so unarmed strikes are all I'd be doing basically anyway, so that's fine. I didn't plan on using weapons very often with this build anyway if I could at least do unarmed strikes.

I want to make a Tetori Monk. The idea of a grappling master sounds incredibly fun, but I've got a few questions about how it works. I've never really used grapple and my group doesn't seem super familiar with it either.

If I want to attack someone I'm grappling with Unarmed Strike are their any negatives to it?

Can my team attack the person I'm grappling without worrying about hitting me?

If I pin someone can I still attack them or can I not do anything if I'm trying to keep them pinned?

Do you have any tips for playing this class? Recommended feats or traits, etc?

We are using a High Fantasy purchase method for our upcoming game. I know you can reduce your score in one stat to put more points into other stats. My friend is telling me this is at a 2:1 ratio. Meaning I have to remove 2 Charisma to get 1 Strength for example. Is this true?