Is there a way to bump up the DCs of alchemical items?

Rules Questions

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So my group has just hit 3rd level, and the party alchemist is looking at various alchemical items. While he's having fun with the possibilities, he's concerned about the DCs of their abilities, which are not only low, but static, with no obvious way of scaling them or even a clear metric for how their DC was reached.

To that end, is there any way to add to an alchemical item's DC? Alternatively, is there a formula for how the DC was reached? The latter could be useful for reverse-engineering a formula for increasing the DC by increasing the cost of the item, but if there is such a formula it's not making itself clear to me on a casual examination.

Full Pouch (spell) and Focusing Flask.

Those are the only 2 I can think of off the top of my head, though there's likely some random class abilities as well.

Sadly, ways to scale alchemical items are few and far between.
For the most part you are supposed to use more expensive alchemical items to get stronger effects. But it can get expensive and even then those wont scale all that far. Some alchemical items like tanglefoot bag can stay useful for a long time but those are not the norm. At some point your alchemical items become mostly a source of cheap utilities that can help situationally. It is still interesting in that you can probably carry a ton of gadgets at that point, but don't count on doing a lot of combat damage with them. They were never meant to be as strong as magic.

Otherwise here are a few things I have in mind.

-Using an hybridization funnel to concentrate your alchemical weapons

-Some feats and class abilities can upgrade your use of poison.

-Some abilities let you combine alchemical weapons with your regular attacks such as the Grenadier's alchemical weapons ability, this can help make the alchemical weapon relevent for longer. For sling users there is also the Slipslinger Grenadier feat, But the requirements are very restrictive.

-Use abilities that can debuff enemy saves before using poison or other alchemical stuff with a DC on them. Such as Demoralize.

-Having a GM who lets you be creative with your alchemical items and do things that are not quite part of the rules, like bundling several alchemist fire together with alchemical adhesive and hurling the thing at an enemy.

The alchemical strike feat isn't great, but it does scale the DCs of alchemical weapons a little.

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