Simple RAW question: Does Sapphire Oozes give Armor Check Penalty?

Rules Questions

So here it is:

It reads:

"While the shape of the armor created can vary, it always appears to be made of glittering sapphire crystals and provides protection as if it were a mithral breastplate."

Does this means it always also gives the arcane check penalty of a mithral breastplate to the person wearing it?

Given that specific wording, I'd say no. The wearer is protected as though by a mithral breastplate, meaning the wearer gets the Armor Class bonus; it says nothing about acting like a mithral breastplate in any other ways. Otherwise, they'd have said it could be worn as if it were a mithral breastplate (see ring of force shield and others).

blahpers wrote:
Given that specific wording, I'd say no. The wearer is protected as though by a mithral breastplate, meaning the wearer gets the Armor Class bonus; it says nothing about acting like a mithral breastplate in any other ways. Otherwise, they'd have said it could be worn as if it were a mithral breastplate (see ring of force shield and others).

Thanks for the help, so on the full cut it does reference the person wearing it:

"As a full-round action, a sapphire ooze can transform into wearable armor. This armor can be sized for creatures of the ooze’s size or one size category smaller, and the subject must be willing to wear the ooze as armor. While in its armor form, the ooze cannot take actions other than to use its hero’s infusion ability or to return to its true form as a full-round action. While the shape of the armor created can vary, it always appears to be made of glittering sapphire crystals and provides protection as if it were a mithral breastplate.

While a sapphire ooze is worn, it takes 1d6 points of damage each time its host takes more than 5 points of damage from a single attack; this damage bypasses the sapphire ooze’s damage reduction and immunities. If this damage reduces the ooze to 0 hit points, it immediately reverts to its true form and falls to the ground."

Scarab Sages

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I would say that, for the wearer, it functions in all ways as though they're wearing mithral breastplate.

In this case, the ooze is turning into armor, and providing protection as though it were a mithral breastplate. It doesn't specifically remove any of the normal aspects of wearing armor which, if it did, would be specifically called out. Since it lacks a specific exception, and "provides protection as" doesn't automatically refer only to armor bonus, or exclude the other armor aspects, you should be taking armor check penalty, spell failure, max dex bonus, and so on as appropriate for a mithril breastplate.

I would also say it in all ways acts as a mithril breastplate.

If it was just AC as blaphers suggests, why not just say breastplate? Why add in mithril? Clearly the dex mod would be a factor, and that's modified by the lightness of mithril, hence the lower arcane penalties.

All should be factored in.

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Cavall has the right of it. ^_^

That is a pretty reasonable argument, making reference to mithral does point to this being a relevant part of the armor part.

A bit sad that my current PC that would use it, which is a arcane full caster, then is not a match for this amazing creature haha.

Thanks for the help!

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