GM for Way of the Wicked?


I'm new to the boards. But I would really like to join a WotW campaign. Obviously rules and creation are in the hands of the GM

So if there are any running and need 1 more player or someone wants to start, please let me know.


Hey BloodPaw, welcome to the boards!

Typically how games start is a GM decides what they want to run, then starts a thread here in recruitment to see who is interested. A number of people will create characters to submit to the game, and after a set amount of time (usually a week or two) the GM will select what players they want in their game.

In addition there is an ongoing mega-recruitment thread where you can post your desire to be in a WotW campaign, located here. This thread is very hit or miss, as you may be picked up in hours or left in silence for months, but it doesn't hurt to throw your hat in the ring.

Usually your best bet is to check the recruitment thread once a day or so and see if anybody is starting recruitment for a WotW game :)

Thank you

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