cheese0 |
im making a blood rager: untouchable/primalist and i have acouple questions on how class features get picked up when they are progressive.
primalist allows you to replace your bloodline power with 2 rage powers; the verbiage states "At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a primalist can choose to take either his bloodline power or two barbarian rage powers."
my question is: do i only take ONE official level of bloodrager(primalist) at level 4 then i just get the replacements at level 8, 12, 16.....etc. or would i have to take a level of bloodrager(primalist) at level 4,8,12...etc to get the replacement or would i have to take 4 levels of this archetype to replace the blood line power, then another 4 to replace the other bloodline power?
my thought process is that i only have to take a level of primalist at the specific 4, 8, 12... to replace the bloodline power cause its not like im considered a lower level bloodrager thus not able to replace it.
then again, if i just take one level of primalist at 4, then every 4 levels of bloodrager would just replace my bloodline power..
level 1: untouchable
level 2: untouchable
level 3: untouchable
level 4: primalist
level 5: untouchable
level 6: untouchable
level 7: untouchable
level 8: primalist
level 1: untouchable
level 2: untouchable
level 3: untouchable
level 4: primalist
level 5: untouchable
level 6: untouchable
level 7: untouchable
level 8: untouchable
InvisiblePink |
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, this isn't a combination that is rules-legal in the first place. There is no legal way to take levels in both Bloodrager (Primalist) and Bloodrager (Untouchable), because they're both the Bloodrager class; once you choose what archetypes you want to apply to your levels in the Bloodrager class, you have to apply the same archetypes to all of them.
You can combine multiple archetypes- such as Bloodrager (Primalist, Metamagic Rager)- but Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable) is not legal in this manner either, because Untouchable replaces the bloodline class feature and Primalist alters the bloodline class feature.
InvisiblePink |
My previous post was partially wrong; I apologize.
You still can't take some levels in Bloodrager (Primalist) and some levels in Bloodrager (Untouchable), but Bloodrager (Primalist, Untouchable) IS legal, because Primalist alters the "bloodline" class feature, but Untouchable alters the "bloodline spells" class feature.
MrCharisma |
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You don't take some levels in 1 archetype and some levels in another. All levels are both archetypes. It'll look like this:
level 1: untouchable/primalist
level 2: untouchable/primalist
level 3: untouchable/primalist
level 4: untouchable/primalist
level 5: untouchable/primalist
level 6: untouchable/primalist
level 7: untouchable/primalist
level 8: untouchable/primalist
You get the benefits (and drawbacks) of both archetypes at every level. This is why you cannot take 2 archetypes that modify the same class feature.
InvisiblePink's most recent post is correct, you can take these 2 archetypes together. In this case you 2ould get the spell-resistance from Untouchable Rager, and every 4 levels you would get a choice between your Bloodline Powers or Rage Powers. If you choose to take 2 rage powers at level 4 instead of your bloodline power you cannot change that, and you forever lose that bloodline power in favour of the rage powers.