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im making a blood rager: untouchable/primalist and i have acouple questions on how class features get picked up when they are progressive.

primalist allows you to replace your bloodline power with 2 rage powers; the verbiage states "At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, a primalist can choose to take either his bloodline power or two barbarian rage powers."

my question is: do i only take ONE official level of bloodrager(primalist) at level 4 then i just get the replacements at level 8, 12, 16.....etc. or would i have to take a level of bloodrager(primalist) at level 4,8,12...etc to get the replacement or would i have to take 4 levels of this archetype to replace the blood line power, then another 4 to replace the other bloodline power?

my thought process is that i only have to take a level of primalist at the specific 4, 8, 12... to replace the bloodline power cause its not like im considered a lower level bloodrager thus not able to replace it.

then again, if i just take one level of primalist at 4, then every 4 levels of bloodrager would just replace my bloodline power..

level 1: untouchable
level 2: untouchable
level 3: untouchable
level 4: primalist
level 5: untouchable
level 6: untouchable
level 7: untouchable
level 8: primalist


level 1: untouchable
level 2: untouchable
level 3: untouchable
level 4: primalist
level 5: untouchable
level 6: untouchable
level 7: untouchable
level 8: untouchable

here's a question, now this is a technology evolution question. if i start out as a gnome gunslinger (experimental gunsmith), then through role playing/ campaigning i discover more advanced technology. could i start taking classes in the tech-slinger archetype.... now there is overlap so it would conflict with the "no archetype stacking" rule but to me if a gnome is experimenting with tech then discovers more advanced weapons could he not then transcend to the next class archetype. unless, to make things just easier on everyone (including the GM) i could just recreate my character starting at the level which my black-powder age character discovered the new tech. what do y'all think?