Mathmuse |

This is the forum for the playtest of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Since Detect Magic on page 214 of the Playtest Rulebook says nothing about DC 15 + spell level, or 15 + 1/2 caster level for a nonspell effect, but the Pathfinder 1st Edition Core Rulebook does, I presume this is a question about Pathfinder 1st Edition.
Pathfinder 1st Edition magic items often involve a spell in their construction, but the level of that spell is not relevant to the level of the magic item. Several high-level magic items use a low-level spell as their prerequisite. In addition, a simple +1 enhancement on a weapon or armor has no spell requirement. However, all magic items have a CL. Thus, use 15 + 1/2 CL for a magic item.