
Eliphas Levi's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (18 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

ToiletSloth wrote:
Werrt has neither a poisoned arrows nor a bow of any kind, he is an unmodified Boggard Warrior from the bestiary. As for why he has one in the art, there were some miscommunication/timing/something else issues with the art in Book 1 that don't carry over to the other books. It's the same reason why Alak Stagram is depicted in hellknight armor with a halberd, but is described as being out of uniform, wielding a silver greatsword.

Thanks for the clarification. I already set him up, so I will prob work it in.

Scarab Sages

Soory last sub-post, but the tactics indicate that as soon as they notice the PC's, Werrt rushes in to melee - why then carry a shortbow dosed with poison? So confusing. Come on editors - play the game you are writing at the same time you are writing it, and let the art department know what the tactics are to come up with a realistic impression of Werrt in "Melee" attire

Scarab Sages

I guess we can assume that it is Blue Dragonfly Poison per the Bestiary pg. 45, but it would nice for the text to recognize it as well.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have noticed a few times that the art department is apparently not reading the story or vice versa.

Werrt is a Boggard warrior, and would assume has the same weapons as a regular Boggard Warrior, because of the fact that the Chapter does not mnake any reference to the fact that the art is showing that he is using a short bow "dripping with poison" What kind of poison is it? I can make adjsutements to a Boggard Weapon selection, but why no reference in the text?

Scarab Sages

Core says to Detect a magical Aura using detect magic it is DC15 + Spell Level or DC15+ 1/2 CL for non-spell effect.

So is magical armor/ weapons something that would create a non-spell effect or is that considered a spell effect.


Scarab Sages

Recently 1.3 changed shields indicating in the FAQ that it "no longer gets broken due to the update". However it also states that it only takes 1 dent at a time.

So if it can't be broken, why does it take dents?
only if it takes dents as an inanimate object?
and if so, why then limit it to 1 dent at a time, when other items can get the 2 dent condition when the damage dealt= twice the hardness?

The Critical update merely says they are changing shields so that they never take 2 dents when used for shield block, but it doesn't say anything about it "never" becoming broken, except in the FAQ

Please continue to clarify shields and dents and breakability as an object.

Thank you team

Scarab Sages

From what I saw, deadly doesn't change your damage dice but adds more to a crit. Example short bow 1d6 damage. On crit it does 2d6 damage since its a crit. Deadly trait adds another 1d10 on top of that.

Scarab Sages

The question really is do the monsters automatically have their shields raised without having to take an action. I see in the AC stats where it has a shield buff but nothing stating they take an action to do it. We would house rule it, but shouldn't have to be a question

Scarab Sages

We noticed in the bestiary, that several humanoid monsters have shield block as a reaction, and get the benefit of a raised shield. However, we think that there should be an action listed in the available actions that actually says "Raise Shield".

just to be consistent.

At the very least, there should be a comment in the intro section states that it should be implied whenever the Raise Shield Reaction is there.

We don't want monsters getting more actions against us because they don't have to spend one to raise their we?

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
kaid wrote:
I think alchemists are going to wind up needing some kind of alchemy pool that is separate from the resonance pool. It is pretty bad for any class that looks at a magic item and has to math out if wearing it is worth two or more charges of their main class power.

Maybe they should just double it, but that may make other classes jealous. ..

What about Level + (Int + Dex) mods.
intelligently Infusing bombs with dexterous precision.

Scarab Sages

In looking at the Scholar Background, when it states you gain the Assurance skill feat in your chosen skill, does it come in as trained?

If it does come in as trained, does it have to use one of the slots given for your class skills, or in addition to it?

Scarab Sages

Pg. 45, last paragraph, 2nd sentence from the end - Page number missing where it states:

"but see the crafting trained activities section on page _____ for more information."

I believe the page # you are looking for is 148

Scarab Sages

Star5490 wrote:

I tried to play a damage dealer Alchemist based on mutagen, but found it too weak.

The bestial mutagen seems to be not stack with any magic weapon potent (HANDWRAPS OF MIGHTY FISTS), and there's no any ability to gain extra attack or bonus.
Does it mean that Alchemist can only be a mixture of weak damage dealer and weak controler?

I disagree here. As a GM, I always that the Alchemist class was a bit OP with ability to hit on a TAC,, they are one of the most consistent hitters in the game. Also, there is nothing like wasting an entire mob with a well placed explosive bomb and then leaving other characters nothing to do in some cases.

I think the intent here is to strike a balance. further, the ability to hamper, cause persistent damage, or render an opponent flat footed with different types of bombs creates a lot of diversity and give the alchemist a great range of flavorful and meaningful attacks. It's not just about dishing out high damage. I like the changes.

Scarab Sages

Klladdy wrote:
shroudb wrote:
Klladdy wrote:

Yes, Quick Alchemy only lasts a round or two depending upon feat selection. I was just pointing out that Quick Alchemy explicitly removes the monetary costs whereas Advance Alchemy does not explicitly do so.

I wanted to clarify because mutagens, for example, do not qualify for Quick Alchemy thus making a mutagen alchemist potentially very non-renewable resource expensive relative to alternatives.

Compare black lotus to an 9th, 10th level spell. Because that's what alchemist gets.

Basically, someone can print the alchemical fire cost as 1 billion go cost, that doesn't make it Worth that much in actual usage though.

In effect, most low level alchemical items need their cost reduced to 1/10th of what they are now (like 3sp per vial) if they are supposed to substitute for what every other class does atm at will.

Or, better yet, give 0 RP "lesser items" at will for the alchemist (like cantrips)

As for the original question, considering that Advanced Alchemy says that they ignore reagents, I take it that it is free. Class would be literally unplayable if not, it's already borderline useless after lvl 7 or so.

Replacing spellist with purely mundane items that for some reason still cost magic essence to activate wasn't balanced well (still, that's what a playtest is for)

That was my take as well. I wanted to make sure that I had that right. On a related note, does Quick Alchemy even work for most poisons because the action cost to apply the poison and then deliver it? Does the 1 round aspect also make an applied contact poison inert after 1 round if nobody is affected before then?

I think that is the intent here. It says "Any Requirements" of alchemical reagents. that would include the cost of them.

Scarab Sages

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Also it would be nice to have a formula book section on the Character sheet. Always struggled to see about listing them in the spellbook section as the magic and alchemical items section really should be for inventory vs. formulas that you know.

Scarab Sages

Right - there was confusion here, however for additional clarification, the sidebar on pg. 51 gives a sample 1st level Formula Book that shows 8 formulas.. Pg. 46 says you get a formula book with 4 common 1st level. Then on Page 45 says you get the 4 additional from the Alchemical Crafting Feat.

I wonder if the Formula book should be placed before the Advanced Alchemy paragraph. That should clear up any confusion.

Scarab Sages

RangerWickett wrote:

I was hoping for tripwires, landmines, and stuff like that. Maybe it's my old like of 4e, where you could set up a hazard and have your buddy shove an enemy into it. Or maybe that's combining alchemy with Craft (traps) or something.

Still, this is cool.

Seems like that would more be aligned with the Rogue Class.