Alara'hai with no Master

Return of the Runelords

What's going to happen to the Alara'hai once their Runelord master is defeated. Do they revert back to a +2 weapon or stay at full power?

Dark Archive

Well, the Alara'hai have been passed from Runelord to Runelord over time, often violently, so I envision that those who would want to take up the mantle of a new Runelord could claim them and continue to use them at full power.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They stay at full power and stay sulky when their wielder isn't "rightful" runelord :p

Shadow Lodge

Potentally, PCs could pick them up and declare, "I am your new Runelord now! I command you to break!" or potentially take them to Runeforge to reforge them with virtue instead of sin. Maybe then they'd be content to be their own interactive museum exhibits, or to instruct people in their use.

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