MahWek...Aztec Eagle Warrior?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Okay essentially put what is the closest culture to the Aztecs or even the Incans or Mayans in Golarion? I have Distant Shores but it seems like the MahWek are not exactly what I am looking for. At best they seem to be the decendants of such a culture at worst not even that. I think Adam has mentioned as much somewhere that their inspiration had another source. What about the other peoples in Arcadia? Looking to make a PC that has some of its inspiration from an Eagle Warrior. Any help is much appreciated thanks. :)

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Lemartes wrote:
Okay essentially put what is the closest culture to the Aztecs or even the Incans or Mayans in Golarion?

The Nahuatl (Aztec) equivalent in Golarion appears to be Razatlan. However, all that's been said about it is in Faiths of Golarion under the deity Kazutal.

Excellent. Thanks. :)

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