DungeonmasterCal's House of Respite

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Sovereign Court

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Firstly if the NSA wants to know what I'm up to, they should realize I keep ALL my best stuff on pieces of paper just like the guy from Seven.

Secondly, I could have made up names...but honestly I have a terrible enough time making up names for my own characters AND NPCs that doing this for real life...not a good idea.

Also Client 1 and such gets confusing for ME when I'm typing.

*sigh* It's not even 8 am and I am up.

I shouldn't be getting up in ten to twenty minutes more.

I normally get up around 10 AM. This morning it was 5:45. I am not amused.

There is a squirrel in my neighborhood with cat-like tortoise shell patterned fur. There, that's the most exciting thing to happen to me all day...LOL

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I'm never amused by 5-5:30 am. But unfortunately, thanks to my brother's dog Conway and having other dogs to care for after 7 am..(and now soon 10 am) I'll be up by 6...

Most exciting thing for me? Having my neighbors from two house up come home earlier than I expected AND getting paid on the same day.

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Getting paid is always exciting.

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Getting paid is admittedly awesome.

Sadly, I am now on Salary, which means that, technically, the MORE time I spend at work, the LESS I'm being paid per hour.

HAppy HUMP DAY to all!

I was up at 6am to get to work by 7:30am, YAY college orientation!

What's for dinner, everyone? I can't decide between a spinach salad or a bowl of Blueberry Cheerios. I *know* the salad is the wiser choice, but...

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I had shrimp.

And yes getting paid is good, especially when it gives me cash I can use to buy myself some lunch meat for sandwiches.

I ended up with the salad. I ate so much salad last year that it's taken me to just now being able to deal with them again.

Pasta and sauce, the General is making a huge pot of sloppy joes tomorrow so tonight was more about getting to tomorrow.

I LOVE sloppy joes.

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Sloppy Joes are delicious, because they are sloppy.
Also easy, and everyone in the house agrees to like them. :)
I think that correlates? O_o

I had homemade version of 'PF Chang's Lettuce Wraps', with potstickers and egg drop soup. Yummy.

Tonight I think the plan was/is Sweet Salmon (salmon fried in butter and honey) with spicy shrimp on top. Also called 'Salmon la' Orleans'?


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Tonight's meal; left overs.

Other plans, some napping today perhaps along with some LONG napping on Friday and Saturday. Then Sunday gaming! YAY!!

Grilled beigels and cheese, with a stick of celery and a satsuma.

What's a satsuma?

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It's when one of those enormous Japanese wrestlers crushes you with his buttocks.


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Bravo, sir. I know have Cheerios on my keyboard.

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While I didn't have anything near my mouth, I DID get a nice chuckle from quib's little joke.

So bully for you.

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I'm doing the Snoopy happy dance,
My new dice came in the mail Today.
% dice first three rolls were 94, 97, 98
they are hot and ready to roll.
Back to Snoopy happy dance!

Ragadolf wrote:

Sloppy Joes are delicious, because they are sloppy.

Also easy, and everyone in the house agrees to like them. :)
I think that correlates? O_o

I had homemade version of 'PF Chang's Lettuce Wraps', with potstickers and egg drop soup. Yummy.

Tonight I think the plan was/is Sweet Salmon (salmon fried in butter and honey) with spicy shrimp on top. Also called 'Salmon la' Orleans'?

Can I come to your house, with eats like that I would trade places with your k-9, I even have fleas.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's a satsuma?

Quibblemuch is nearly right. It's when an easily peelable citrus fruit crushes you with its sweetly scented orange buttocks.


Moe's Dice Bags wrote:

I'm doing the Snoopy happy dance,

My new dice came in the mail Today.
% dice first three rolls were 94, 97, 98
they are hot and ready to roll.
Back to Snoopy happy dance!

I love new dice. I've got sets I've probably only used once but I want more! I have nearly 800 individual dice. You'd think that would be enough. But no. It's never enough.

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I'm waiting for the dice I ordered from a Kickstarter to arrive.

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NEVER enough dice!

Spend enough MONEY on them? yes.

But too many dice?!? NEVER!!!

One of my friends, last time I looked at his dice collection, (many moons ago), had filled an entire (not small) tacklebox with dice, and had started on his second,...


On the other hand,...
MY pathetic collection still fits inside a single Crown Royal bag,...


On the OTHER other hand,...
I DO have the first ever, 'original' D100 from when it came out!


Shadow Lodge

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Shiny math rocks make the click-clack noises.

Ragadolf wrote:

On the OTHER other hand,...

I DO have the first ever, 'original' D100 from when it came out!


Are you talking about the ones that had the little beads inside them to keep them from rolling forEVER? I've had 2. I was gifted with one when they first came out but somehow it got broken. I have another now but seldom use it.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Moe's Dice Bags wrote:

I'm doing the Snoopy happy dance,

My new dice came in the mail Today.
% dice first three rolls were 94, 97, 98
they are hot and ready to roll.
Back to Snoopy happy dance!
I love new dice. I've got sets I've probably only used once but I want more! I have nearly 800 individual dice. You'd think that would be enough. But no. It's never enough.

I was overwhelmed by that new dice smell! I went a little crazy there.

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I'm going to do my happy dance by getting some Ice cream. :p

Mostly because while I still will have to walk my neighbor's Siberian Husky (because she's helping a friend take care of a terminally ill blood relative), I still have all of tomorrow and Sunday to myself. :p :)

I love Huskies. They're really smart, really funny, and they "talk" to you...lol

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Well my dogs talk to me too...Mostly when they want out. But yes, I love Huskies too. My first dog was part Husky part rough collie.

I just wish that I hadn't agreed to LESS sleep next week because of it.

But eh.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads on the forums!

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Heatwave reaches the blog...

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Happy Father's Day to all the dads on the forums!

I am the father (and the mother, and wet nurse, and spawner, and egg-layer, and so on) of countless monsters. Does that count?

Just saw it on the blog. Another hit!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Just saw it on the blog. Another hit!

Another heat...


The rain passed and it slowly getting warmer again :(

I just walked my dogs in the backyard. It's hot, humid, and the mosquitoes were swarming. I was ever so glad they did their business quickly so we could get back into the house.

It wasn't the best day to be out...but considering this was game day, I'm okay with it. Mostly I'm just ready for this week to be over and closer to the end of June. Maybe then I'll sleep in more. Especially since I hope to be done with extra dogs by then...

Here's hoping you get some well-earned rest!

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I had a pretty good day, low key, I played video games, had to walk 7 miles total for groceries and power steering fluid stop leak stuff, and the kids forgot what day it was until dinner time.

While I can do without more car issues the rest of the day more than made up for it.

I just got back from what was supposed to be a 15 minute run to get something to eat that turned into a 2.5 hour automobile breakdown and waiting on help to arrive. Finally got it started again and drove it to the mechanic's where it will sit until he can look at it sometime tomorrow or at worst late in the week. It's my son's vehicle and the one we have to share, so he'll have to find ways to get to work and I'll have to cancel some medical appointments that I won't have a ride to. And I've come to the realization that my best friend since 6th grade is no longer someone I can turn to without being criticized or made fun of now. I'm having to re-evaluate the friendship after 44 years.

It's not been a good day.

I am sorry to hear that Cal.

Thanks, Thomas. with apologies to my fellow forumites I shouldn't have vented it all but I guess it had to come out somewhere since it had nowhere else to go.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

On the OTHER other hand,...

I DO have the first ever, 'original' D100 from when it came out!


Are you talking about the ones that had the little beads inside them to keep them from rolling forEVER? I've had 2. I was gifted with one when they first came out but somehow it got broken. I have another now but seldom use it.

THAT'S the one!

The one with the little bead inside to keep it from rolling forever, because the individual sides are SO tiny that it is essentially just a rough ball. But the beads DON'T WORK.

I never use it anymore, (even when I DO get to play, rarely.) But it is a great memory of my college friends. (Some fun and funny moments attached to that stupid die!) So I am not getting rid of it. ;)

DungeonmasterCal wrote:

Thanks, Thomas. with apologies to my fellow forumites I shouldn't have vented it all but I guess it had to come out somewhere since it had nowhere else to go.

No worries Cal, everyone needs a pressure vent valve.


Hope your car gets fixed soon!

Thanks, Rags. With any luck it should be fixed this week.

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Ragadolf wrote:
...everyone needs a pressure vent valve.

Meh. I'm doing ok with shoving all the bad thoughts way down deep and never speaking of them.


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