Damage Rolls


This may be a little out of the ordinary, but no one seems to know how to answer my question. I am joining a party as a new player and I have pretty much everything figured out (the basics of the game) besides how many dice I’m supposed to use when rolling for damage after a successful attack. I am playing a 3rd level ranged fighter. Any help?

That basically depends on the weapon you're using to attack. Have you looked at the weapons table in the Core Rulebook?

Fabius Maximus wrote:
That basically depends on the weapon you're using to attack. Have you looked at the weapons table in the Core Rulebook?

In addition to what weapon used:

- What class feature(s) are you using;
- What size are you;
- What feat(s) are you using;
- Are you using special material/ poison;
- What race feature(s) are you using.

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