Taking 10 on Dinner Checks

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DeathQuaker wrote:
Many thanks! Slowly improving. The hard part is when I lie down gunk is more likely to drain into my chest, so I've been having some fun "can I sleep while sitting up" experiments. (Sorry TMI. Need to vent to someone.)

Nonsense. I went through much the same in January/February.

Glad to hear you were on the mend, DQ, and hope it continues. Your severe chest congestion sounds awful; don't ever feel bad about venting here.

Hope everyone else is doing good, or at least ok-ish.

Dad finished off the last of his great northern beans and ham last night. With all the running around I had to do this afternoon, I was planning for something easy and quick for tonight's dinner. I'd settled on chicken noodle soup from a jar and grilled cheese sandwiches... but today was just too dang hot. So instead we had ham & turkey hoagies on bolillo rolls and Utz sour cream & onion chips. Not fancy, but satisfying and filling, and most importantly it was cool.

I also picked up an 8-piece fried chicken from the supermarket deli chilled case with a few other groceries, so I think I'll reheat that tomorrow for dinner. I'll probably make a horiatiki salad to go with it with a little bit of dressing on the side; Dad only ever has 1000 islands dressing on any salad, so I just need enough for me. If I get motivated, I may even make deviled eggs to go with and stick to the picnic-y theme.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Thank you! Continuing to improve, though I've still a cough, I can sleep now so that's nice.

I love Utz sour cream and onion chips. Specifically theirs, which tastes somehow entirely different from other brands (which also taste fine, but are different). Lunch may be from the nice deli today plus those chips indeed.

Haven't been grocery shopping for a bit so dinner will have to get creative.... and/or be cold cereal or eggs. Not that breakfast for dinner is a sad thing. I could do a vegetarian chili--I just bought some nice ancho chili powder--though I'm short on tomato product to add to it. Mebbe black beans and rice? Recent drs visit showed I'd manage to lower my cholesterol by about 23 points so should continue on the legume train.

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I made shawarma at home on Saturday, which turned out alright.

* Marinaded chicken thighs in yoghurt and spices (garlic powder, onion powder, celery salt, cumin, coriander, black pepper, Aleppo pepper, Madras curry powder)

* Shoved a skewer in half an onion, impaled the chicken thighs on it, put the other half on top to protect against burning.

* Put in the oven for about an hour and a half, together with some vegetables for roasting and some flatbread put in the turned off grill above to warm.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Thank you! Continuing to improve, though I've still a cough, I can sleep now so that's nice.

I love Utz sour cream and onion chips. Specifically theirs, which tastes somehow entirely different from other brands (which also taste fine, but are different). Lunch may be from the nice deli today plus those chips indeed.

Haven't been grocery shopping for a bit so dinner will have to get creative.... and/or be cold cereal or eggs. Not that breakfast for dinner is a sad thing. I could do a vegetarian chili--I just bought some nice ancho chili powder--though I'm short on tomato product to add to it. Mebbe black beans and rice? Recent drs visit showed I'd manage to lower my cholesterol by about 23 points so should continue on the legume train.

Ooo, I wonder how an Utz sc&o spanish tortilla would go? I've been meaning to make one for years, but I'd have to make it on a day Dad is eating something else (he won't eat a baked egg/quiche/frittata dish), and I keep forgetting on those days.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

Thank you! Continuing to improve, though I've still a cough, I can sleep now so that's nice.

I love Utz sour cream and onion chips. Specifically theirs, which tastes somehow entirely different from other brands (which also taste fine, but are different). Lunch may be from the nice deli today plus those chips indeed.

Haven't been grocery shopping for a bit so dinner will have to get creative.... and/or be cold cereal or eggs. Not that breakfast for dinner is a sad thing. I could do a vegetarian chili--I just bought some nice ancho chili powder--though I'm short on tomato product to add to it. Mebbe black beans and rice? Recent drs visit showed I'd manage to lower my cholesterol by about 23 points so should continue on the legume train.

Ooo, I wonder how an Utz sc&o spanish tortilla would go? I've been meaning to make one for years, but I'd have to make it on a day Dad is eating something else (he won't eat a baked egg/quiche/frittata dish), and I keep forgetting on those days.

That'd be pretty tasty, I'd expect! I also find frittatas freeze well, and as this is similar, if you try it and have leftovers you could freeze them and use the leftovers for future breakfasts. The chips might also be tasty as a strata topping.

I found in my freezer a Trader Joe's salmon filet with butter, so I cooked that tonight in the oven on a sheet tray alongside brussels sprouts (that had been frozen, warmed through in microwave and then added to oven to crisp) and served it over rice pilaf. I don't cook a lot of fish and this was very easy to do and tasty (and while not something I could or would eat every day, reasonably priced for decent fish).

The brussels sprouts were about as good as they could be, though of course if they had been fresh and just roasted they would have tasted better (I'm not too snobby about frozen veg, but these were oddly bland, and I think it's because you can't really season them until they are cooked/thawed/warmed).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Turkey chili or three bean chili tonight?

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DeathQuaker wrote:
Turkey chili or three bean chili tonight?

3 beam.

And spicy.

Freehold DM wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Turkey chili or three bean chili tonight?

3 beam.

And spicy.

Turkey -and- 3 bean chili? And yeah, spicy (as you wish).

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Turkey and two beans! And fairly spicy for my tolerance level (needed to clear some sinuses), thanks to some chipotle in adobo, which is one of my favorite things to throw in chili and other stuff. Also added in some new ancho chili powder, which is less spicy, but has a nice rich flavor.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Turkey and two beans!

Okay, one bean- TWO BEANS?!?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Now it sounds like I only put two literal beans in. ;)

(And yes, oh the scandal!)

(It was black beans and kidney beans.)

(Living together!)

Tuesday dinner was just tomato soup from a can and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Wednesday dinner was fried tilapia (instead of the usual baked in parchment version) with baked potatoes and applesauce. Twice-dredged the fish in flour with cornstarch mixed in, and they came out light & crunchy.

Thursday dinner was baked pork chops, buttered honey carrots, and rolls.

Last night's dinner was meatloaf, fresh mashed potatoes, milk gravy, and leftover rolls. The meatloaf was a cheat-y version to see if I could come up with a quicker version kinda like what Mom would have made. (Most of her tested true recipes on notecards were lost somehow.) Wasn't really that much quicker, but I did figure out how to quickly caramelize onions (a little baking powder to lower pH to brown quicker, pinch of sugar to help caramelize, and a few splashes of water to deglaze pan). Meatloaf was pretty tasty. I forgot to use oats instead of bread crumbs, maybe next time. Tonight will be leftovers. Still haven't attempted döner-seasoned meatloaf, having trouble locally-sourcing a few of the spices needed.

DeathQuaker wrote:

Now it sounds like I only put two literal beans in. ;)

(And yes, oh the scandal!)

(It was black beans and kidney beans.)

(Living together!)


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