Diviner Wizard Bonus Spells


The Diviner is supposed to get a free Divination Spell per Spell Level.

No Lvl 1 Divination Spell for Wizards exists !!!

And on other levels you often have a "choice" of the only Divination spell at that level.

Maybe change the feature that the Divination wizard can also choose divination spells of other classes ?

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True Strike.

Literally the best level 1 spell that you should never not prepare at least once unless you never make attack rolls. XD

Ah, True Strike is Divination? ^^ I sort of overlooked this, thanks.

Still seems that a "choice" of one spell is sort of weird. Why they don't just write "at Cantrip you get a free Detect Magic, at Lvl 1 you get a free True Strike etc."

MagicSN wrote:

Ah, True Strike is Divination? ^^ I sort of overlooked this, thanks.

Still seems that a "choice" of one spell is sort of weird. Why they don't just write "at Cantrip you get a free Detect Magic, at Lvl 1 you get a free True Strike etc."

They might print more divination spells in the final CRB for PF2. And if they don't, they still are likely to do so eventually.

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While True Strike answers your question, it is of relative little use to a classic Wizard, and several spell levels have a lack of spells of one or more schools.
This, together with crappy powers, reduced flexibility and lack of advantages, contributes into making Specialist Wizard less appealing every time you look at it.

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I think True Strike is a good example of a spell that could be expanded by the action system.

The spell as written is fine, but going up to 2 casting actions could be 'target other - range touch' and 3 casting actions could be 'target other - range 30ft'.

I think what they did with Heal and Magic Missile is great, and would love to see it expanded out to give a bit more flex to the system.

Absolutely. Cone of Cold has an action-based metamagic, but I can’t recall many others...

Ediwir wrote:
Absolutely. Cone of Cold has an action-based metamagic, but I can’t recall many others...

Thanks for pointing this out. I completely forgot about this.

Banishment, 5th level Gentle Repose (also costs money), 2nd level Lock (also costs money), 6th level Restoration (also costs money) all also add an action.

Definitely would love to see more of this variable action usage, albeit more for reasons like Cone of Cold, Heal, Harm, Magic Missile, or Banishment.

I could also dig some weak 1-act spells. Magic Missile and Shield come to mind, but Heal and Inspire Courage are definitely powerful for the time they take...

Ediwir wrote:
I could also dig some weak 1-act spells. Magic Missile and Shield come to mind, but Heal and Inspire Courage are definitely powerful for the time they take...

Coming from 5e, I really like PF playtest Message.

A big part of that is the lack of a need to point. I feel like if I stuck it on a Rogue I'd wind up with a weird Shadowrun infiltration adept. Take mindlink, and maybe knock, lock, and hypercognition, and I feel like I have exactly the sort of arcane trickster I want to play.

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