Mi-go evisceration

General Discussion

I'm looking at the Mi-go, and it's evisceration ability allows any claw attacks that hit a grappled or helpless creature automatically crit (and deal triple damage on a nat 20) and inflict a severe wound, which is an amputation. The Mi-go also has the grab ability on its claws.

As far as I can tell, nothing stops these abilities from working with full attacks. That's a very real chance of getting dismembered twice a round after it closes, taking double damage the whole time. That seems a little rough on the party no?

Huh. If I recall correctly, grab in SF gives a bonus to a grapple attempt, as opposed to just auto-grappling the target, right?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

If the creature hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals the normal damage. If the attack roll result equals or exceeds the target’s KAC + 4, the creature also automatically grapples the foe as a free action. (If it equals or exceeds the target’s KAC + 13, the creature instead pins the target.) The creature does not need to have a spare limb free to perform this grapple as long as it can make the listed attack, and it can potentially grapple more than one target if it has more than one attack with the grab ability. The creature can maintain the grab either with another successful grab attack or by performing the grapple combat maneuver normally.

So amongst other things there's a +4 bonus to the grapple attempt.

It seems like it needs at least one attack to maintain the grab every round though, so you've got a few chances to not get torn apart.

Like, I read this as:
Round one, Mi-Go walks up and grabs you.
Round two, Mi-Go full attacks. First attack does not hit KAC+4, so you are not grabbed. Thus, this attack is not an auto-crit or severe wound. Second attack may or may not grab, but since you weren't grabbed at first, it is also a regular hit.

Granted, all those attempts could go different ways, but it doesn't seem, to me, as horrific as it sounds at first.

Am I reading how this (could) work correctly?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You're mistaken, I think.

First round, the Mi-Ho walks up and hits. It beats KAC by 4, and grapples the target. The target is grappled until the end of the Mi-Go's next turn, unless it escapes, or the Mi-Go maintains the grapple.

Second round, the Mi-Go full attacks. The first round does not hit KAC+4, but the target is still grappled, because the Mi-Go doesn't lose its hold until the end of this turn. The hit is treated as a critical with the severe wound property.

However, if the player escapes the grapple during their turn, then the Mi-Go would need to hit and grab with their first attack to be able to eviscerate with the second.

I'm not clear on whether the grapple lasts until the end of the Mi-Go's next turn, I guess.

Actually, I'm not real clear on the grapple rules, now that I'm thinking about it.

If Hammerjack is right, then this does seem a bit strong. Or maybe not, depending on the CR of a Mi-Go.

At the very least, something like this might finally convince some of the members of my groups to stop trying to tank things like we're playing pathfinder.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The grapple lasting until the end of the grappler's next turn is not something Mi-Go specific, it's the basic way that grappling works in Starfinder.

On the plus side, limbs are way easier to replace, in the space future.

I didn't mean to suggest it was Mi-Go specific, what I meant was it turns out that since I play a Vesk soldier, once my GM found out he was unlikely to hit the KAC +8 (or + whatever it turns out to be with abilities and such) he basically stopped trying anything besides regular attacks on me, so I haven't been forced to learn those rules.

But yeah, at any rate, if the CR on on Mi-Go isn't lower than I'd expect, I would think most groups would have a couple tricks to get someone out of a grapple problem.

Or just do what I do, which is keep my heavily armed and armored tail way at the back, shooting with guns, like Triune intended. Let that thing tear off someone else's parts.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

CR6, +14 to hit on the grabbing claws, 16 DC for the severe wound on eviscerate.

They're definitely dangerous, but not a TPK machine, unless the party is well under their level. The ability to easily inflict permanent injuries, instead of just hp damage, is always rough on a party, but they are Lovecraftian horrors, after all.

They seem like a good final encounter before a chance to recuperate, a couple of them vs. a lvl 5-6 party maybe. Keep in mind that it takes someone trained in engineering only 4 hours to build a prosthetic limb out of UPBs. Assuming access to an appropriate space, like their starship, or perhaps the Mi-go's laboratory if they can make sense of their weird tech.

Wow, that seems like a hilariously low CR for that kind of... thing.

I'm glad my group is currently busy on Eox trying to not die in a 5 session trip through MoreGore, otherwise I'm 100% positive these things would be showing up.

I guess everyone should get power armor, so you can always be armed even if you lose your arms.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Garretmander wrote:
Keep in mind that it takes someone trained in engineering only 4 hours to build a prosthetic limb out of UPBs.

True, but which medic is going to perform the surgery to install it?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The one that hopefully still has arms.

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