hyphz |
Combat Flexibility says "when you make your daily preparations, you gain one fighter feat of 8th level or lower that you don't have."
The Archetypes section says ".. select the archetype's dedication feat using one of your class feat choices."
The term "fighter feat" is used throughout the Fighter section to refer to class feats; if a distinction is drawn between "fighter feat" and "class feat" then the Fighter could never take Dedication feats.
So, can a Fighter take a Dedication feat each day with Combat Flexibility, provided any existing Dedication feats they have are closed out?
Themetricsystem |
I've been advised that there are two different types of Class Feats in general.
General Class Feats - This is where Prestige Class and Archetypes fall, any Class can take them if they Qualify for them
Class Specific Feats - These can only be taken by a Character of that Class and Multiclass Feats do not apply
I for one just hope that they publish a 1-off General Feat that grants the PC 1 Class Feat so they can invest in their Class in the same way that you can with your Ancestry.
shroudb |
to put it simply:
you need a class feat for dedications.
flexibility doesn't grant you a "class feat". it grants you a "fighter feat".
For a fighter, a class feat is a fighter feat. But that doesn't automatically make all fighter feats class feats.
that it to say, if A->B doesn't automatically makes B->A.
Draco18s |
That would make sense except that in the Fighter advancement table on page 87, the fighter only ever gets "fighter feats", never "class feats". So by that logic, a fighter could never take a dedication feat except at character generation.
...No, because Fighter Feats are class feats.
But class feats are not Fighter Feats.
Remember: All paparazzi are photographers, but not all photographers are paparazzi.
hyphz |
Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that the exact same wording - "fighter feat" - is used in the class advancement table, and in the Combat Flexibility ability.
If fighter feats can include dedication feats, then you can take a dedication with Combat Flexibility.
If fighter feats cannot include dedication feats, then a fighter can never take a dedication except at character generation.
No amount of arguing about class or fighter feats will change the fact that if the exact same wording - "fighter feats" - is used in both contexts, then they ought to either mean the same thing or have the wording changed to be different.
Draco18s |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You're reading something into something that isn't there.
I'm not sure how "if fighter feats cannot include dedication feats, then a fighter can never take a dedication except at character generation" is true. Your first level advancement is "a fighter feat" (page 88).
As for the reverse, it's clear that the intent of combat flexibility is that you can only pick a feat with the Fighter trait (and dedication feats do not have that, they have Archetype).
breithauptclan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Combat Flexibility says "when you make your daily preparations, you gain one fighter feat of 8th level or lower that you don't have."
The Archetypes section says ".. select the archetype's dedication feat using one of your class feat choices."
The term "fighter feat" is used throughout the Fighter section to refer to class feats; if a distinction is drawn between "fighter feat" and "class feat" then the Fighter could never take Dedication feats.
So, can a Fighter take a Dedication feat each day with Combat Flexibility, provided any existing Dedication feats they have are closed out?
I think you are right on the labelling of the Fighter advancement table. Where it says Fighter Feat it is meaning any of the Fighter's class feats.
But at the same time I think you trying to get away with something that is not intended. And is really a stretch according to the rules as written.
Dedication feats can be taken in place of a Class feat, such as the Fighter Feats listed in the advancement table. But that does not cause Dedication feats to be Fighter Feats. So where Combat Flexibility references 'Fighter Feat', it would mean the feats that are specifically class feats for the Fighter class.
Which doesn't include Dedication Feats.